The Zahada FULL Walkthrough
Hello, and welcome to myName2243 and CDB's Zahada walkthrough! In case you didn’t know, Zahada is a puzzle game which starts at It contains some of the most challenging riddles you'll ever find anywhere online.
Actually, everything’s explained there, so enough with the introduction. Click on that “BEGIN” icon to begin.
STATUS - Phase 2 Written, Excluding a Few Stages.
NOTE: To avoid spoilers, read the walkthrough in this way:
0. Before starting, go to your Control Panel and change your mouse wheel scroll speed to 1. This not only makes reading this walkthrough properly a little bit easier, but it also tests your knowledge - if you can figure out how to do it by yourself, then you can beat Zahada without too many reveals!
1. Start by scrolling down slowly by turning the mouse wheel one turn by one turn carefully, or if you couldn't figure out how to access that feature, by dragging the little handle to the right-hand side of the screen, or on mobile, slowly swiping your finger up.
2. Stop scrolling when you've unveiled one hint or explanation to the screen! Read the hint, and if you can't deduce the answer from it, scroll down until you see the next hint and only the next hint.
3. Repeat.
The further down you scroll, the more spoilers you'll reveal. Use this method to avoid a calamity.
When I first played Zahada, I was absolutely absorbed by the simplicity of it. I loved the concept - put the answer before ".html" to move on to the next level. However, as the levels began to require more and more work, I started to get lazy. I found a website online that allowed me to skip all of the first two phases of the game, and I took that path. I skipped from level 69 all the way through level 75. At first, I was proud. I was glad I had found that free ticket. But time passed, and when I finished through level 100 of Zahada with my friend, CDB, all I felt was shame. I skipped 7 levels! Even though later, I went back and completed those 7 riddles, I signed the Zahada leaderboard... a cheater. A liar. A skunk-face. A cliche-ridden humbug and pie-fingering hack. It felt horrible.
And that is why I am warning you now! If you finish Zahada on your own, each level taken one by one, with thought, you will be crowned a winner and you will deserve it. But if you skip right to the bottom of this walkthrough, and take the answer to question 100 and continue on, you will still be crowned a winner, but you will not deserve it! You will forever be a liar, a cheater, a scam to all of mankind! You will never be trusted with anything ever again! So do you want to actually win, or do you want to make the same mistake I did, and die ashamed? It's your choice. For all those who choose the wrong side of the road, I shun you. Shame.
Credits - Writer: myName2243, Editor: CDB. We completed Zahada together and now we're an amazing duo... sort of.
LEVEL 1 - Game Rules
Hello, and welcome to myName2243 and CDB's Zahada walkthrough! In case you didn’t know, Zahada is a puzzle game which starts at It contains some of the most challenging riddles you'll ever find anywhere online.
Actually, everything’s explained there, so enough with the introduction. Click on that “BEGIN” icon to begin.
STATUS - Phase 2 Written, Excluding a Few Stages.
NOTE: To avoid spoilers, read the walkthrough in this way:
0. Before starting, go to your Control Panel and change your mouse wheel scroll speed to 1. This not only makes reading this walkthrough properly a little bit easier, but it also tests your knowledge - if you can figure out how to do it by yourself, then you can beat Zahada without too many reveals!
1. Start by scrolling down slowly by turning the mouse wheel one turn by one turn carefully, or if you couldn't figure out how to access that feature, by dragging the little handle to the right-hand side of the screen, or on mobile, slowly swiping your finger up.
2. Stop scrolling when you've unveiled one hint or explanation to the screen! Read the hint, and if you can't deduce the answer from it, scroll down until you see the next hint and only the next hint.
3. Repeat.
The further down you scroll, the more spoilers you'll reveal. Use this method to avoid a calamity.
When I first played Zahada, I was absolutely absorbed by the simplicity of it. I loved the concept - put the answer before ".html" to move on to the next level. However, as the levels began to require more and more work, I started to get lazy. I found a website online that allowed me to skip all of the first two phases of the game, and I took that path. I skipped from level 69 all the way through level 75. At first, I was proud. I was glad I had found that free ticket. But time passed, and when I finished through level 100 of Zahada with my friend, CDB, all I felt was shame. I skipped 7 levels! Even though later, I went back and completed those 7 riddles, I signed the Zahada leaderboard... a cheater. A liar. A skunk-face. A cliche-ridden humbug and pie-fingering hack. It felt horrible.
And that is why I am warning you now! If you finish Zahada on your own, each level taken one by one, with thought, you will be crowned a winner and you will deserve it. But if you skip right to the bottom of this walkthrough, and take the answer to question 100 and continue on, you will still be crowned a winner, but you will not deserve it! You will forever be a liar, a cheater, a scam to all of mankind! You will never be trusted with anything ever again! So do you want to actually win, or do you want to make the same mistake I did, and die ashamed? It's your choice. For all those who choose the wrong side of the road, I shun you. Shame.
Credits - Writer: myName2243, Editor: CDB. We completed Zahada together and now we're an amazing duo... sort of.
LEVEL 1 - Game Rules
Hint: So, you've read the rules of Zahada. But there's no "next" button, so how do you move on to the next level? Well, if you're wondering that, then it proves that you definitely have NOT read the rules. Read over them again - the rules tell you EXACTLY what you need to do to reach the next level.
Hint 2: Still confused? The solution is in rule number 5.
Hint 3 Giveaway: Still STILL confused? Well, here's a giveaway hint, then: look for bold text. The bold text is the answer.
Explanation: Alright, here's how you do it. Read rule number 5. The rule reads, "When you have the answer replace the part of the URL before .html with it like this:" So, what does that mean? It's telling you to that the next riddle lies at the address ""! And so, what's the solution to the riddle if "youranswer" is what goes before the .html?
LEVEL 2 - Pronounced as 1, Written as 3
Hint: Here's a more traditional style of riddle. If you've heard this one, the solution is simple. If you haven't heard this one, then it may be a little bit harder. But you know that it's pronounced as one letter! That reduces the possibilities a lot. Now just find the one that fits the rest of the clues stated in the riddle.
Hint 2: Okay, here's a hint: You have two of these on your body.
Hint 3 Giveaway: Do you really need this giveaway hint? Fine. What's the ninth letter of the alphabet?
Explanation: Pronounced with one letter and written with three. Okay. Two letters there are and two only in me. Got it. I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue, and grey... Let's see, what fits everything so far? What underlined word is the answer?
LEVEL 3 - Beware of Red Herring
Hint: Like the page says, look everywhere for clues. Hiding spots lurk everywhere, in every corner. Look all around your screen. Look deeper into the structure of the page.
Hint 2 Giveaway: Where is it, you ask. Just keep looking. Yeah. I'm not going to even tell you that you're supposed to be looking at the tab name.
Explanation: Take a look at the name of the tab. It reads, "eightynineplusone". Add spaces, and we get "eighty-nine plus one". So, what is 89+1? That's your answer.
LEVEL 4 - Shorter than String
Hint: If you've learned your lesson from the previous level, you read the tab name, and saw the hint: "'Anything' is longer than 'string'". So let's think. We need something shorter than 'string', the same length as 'tall', that sounds like 'duck', and that you need now most of all, that is, if you can't figure it out.
Hint 2: Okay, the word "string" is 6 letters long. The word "anything" is 9 letters long, so the word "anything" is longer than the word "string". So the answer has to be shorter than the word "string" - it needs to have less than 6 letters. Luckily, the next line confirms exactly how many letters the word needs to have. The line after that says that the word needs to sound like 'duck'. Rhyming, anyone?
Hint 3: Okay, you can't figure it out. Oh well, this is the last of my hints, and it's not a giveaway hint. Either heed to this or just get lucky.
Explanation: We know that the word has to have 4 letters to be the same length as the word "tall", so we have that covered. We also have to know that it has to rhyme with the word "duck" in order to sound like it. So we can deduce that the last three letters of the word are "uck". Now all we need is the last letter, and it should be pretty easy to determine that. Think: "_uck".
LEVEL 5 - Cucumber Barbeque
Hint 1: Where do you think the hint is going to be? You've been looking at something the past two levels.
Hint 2: OK, so you caught the phrase, "One letter or five?" and don't know what to do now. So think. What letter could alternatively be a word five letters long? Think about it...
Hint 3 Giveaway: In truth, the letter you're looking for appears many times in the phrase "Cucumber Barbeque".
Explanation: If you know the riddle, you will have figured out that the letter "Q" would be the undeniable letter to answer the question. But what's the underlined five letter word?
LEVEL 6 - Empty
Hint 1: The level appears empty. But in fact there is something there! If only you could whip out a highlighter and just highlight the page, revealing any white text that lurks in the background...
Hint 2: Okay, so if you didn't figure out that you had to reveal the white text on the page by clicking and dragging your mouse across it, do that now. It should read: "Hint: The answer is two letters." Of course, you probably don't know what to do now, since the hint didn't help much. But think! Say the word "Empty" over and over until it is clear.
Hint 3 Giveaway: Doesn't the word "Empty" sound an awful lot like two letters? Maybe the second and fourth ones in the word itself?
Explanation: The hint in white text tells us that "the answer is two letters". Well, the word "Empty" sounds really similar to "M-T", so if the answer is two letters, which two letters are the answer?
LEVEL 7 - Red Herring
Hint 1: In fact, this one actually isn't a red herring. If you read the tab name, you know to look VERY closely for the answer. So, find the answer!
Hint 2: It's in the picture. Really deep in there, hidden on one of the fish's fins.
Hint 3 Giveaway: Fine. Here's a photo with arrows pointed at the spot:
You see the arrows, right? Riiiiiiight?
Explanation: If you looked closely, you might have found the white text on the fish's fin: "the answer is fire". So if that's what it says in the picture, what's the answer?
LEVEL 8 - Sharp Jaws
Hint 1: Another classic riddle. It has sharp jaws but not sharp claws. Stationary it rests but can cut it with the best. So let's see. What cuts things and sits on your desk as stationery?
Hint 2 Giveaway: It beats paper.
Explanation: It doesn't have sharp claws, but it has sharp jaws. Stationary it rests, but it can cut it with the best. What underlined word fits everything in the riddle?
LEVEL 9 - Look at Me a Different Way
Hint 1: The text says "Look at me". However, if you're observant, you may have seen that the text "Look at me a different way" isn't text at all. It's a picture. How would you look at a picture a different way? Can you think of anything?
Hint 2: It's on the right-click menu. Try right-clicking the photo - see your options.
Hint 3 Giveaway: There are only 9 options in the right-click menu. Either you couldn't figure out which one had the answer or you weren't capable of clicking all the options. But anyways, the answer is the name of the file.
Explanation: Here's one way to look at the picture a different way: right-click the image, and then click "Save Image As". When the file explorer pops up, you'll see the image is called "saycheese". So what's the answer to the riddle?
LEVEL 10 - One Plus One Equals Two
Hint 1: Have you seen this kind of puzzle? Each letter corresponds to a number, and if you replace all the letters with their corresponding number, then you get a true equation. So you have to figure out what each number equals. Seems hard, until you look around for hints that make the problem obvious - no guessing requried.
Hint 2: Here's two hints in one: For the clues, use all the tricks you've previously used. Tab names, picture saves, page highlights, etc. There's also one trick you'll need that you haven't used before, but you don't need it. If you have all the letters sorted out, then all you have to do is add up "123456+529954", like it says in the bottom, then convert the resulting six-digit number into letters. Easy as that.
Hint 3: Sorry I can't do a giveaway hint for this level. I can tell you there are exactly 5 hints for this level, and that when you know all five hints, the rest of the letters will solve easily. Of course, I only used 4 to solve the level.
Explanation: The hints are: R=0 (tab name), N=3 (highlight), U=9 (highlight), E=1 (save as), and F=8 (source code). Plugging in numbers, we have "O31 + O31 = TWO" and "8O90 + O31 + I0 = 8IV1". From the first equation, O is 2 (1+1), T is 4 (O+O, 2+2), and W is 6 (3+3). From the second equation, I is 5 (2+2, and a borrowed 1), and V is 7 (9+3+5, carry the one). Now we have all the letters: R=0, E=1, O=2, N=3, T=4, I=5, W=6, V=7, F=8, and U=9. Now, 123456+529954 equals 653410. You can do the last part - turn each of the numbers in letters and you'll have your answer.
Here's the work.
LEVEL 11 - Look At Me a Different Way
Hint 1: You'll have to use a different DIFFERENT way to look at this image. Let's think. What would you see here if your computer couldn't process the picture? Do you know how to find out? It's still on your right-click menu, it's just a different button.
Hint 2: Click "View Image Info". Look for something on that menu.
Hint 3 Giveaway: You could also right click the page and select "View Page Source". But either way, you may have come across the phrase "This is not a red herring: 10+101+1010". Do you know how to do binary addition?
Explanation: Looking at the page source, the associated text for the image reads "This is not a red herring: 10+101+1010". Solving the binary expression, we get "10001". That's all you need - what's the answer?
LEVEL 12 - Look at Me: Html
Hint 1: Let's see... what trick was mentioned in Hint 3 for the previous level? Where did you find the hint "F=8" in level 10, if you did?
Hint 2 Giveaway: Well, you didn't get it. Try right-clicking the page and pressing "View Page Source". Let's look now. Do you see the answer?
Explanation: Just look at the picture.
If you can't make out the answer from that picture, then you're pretty stupid.
LEVEL 13 - A Smoked Herring
Hint 1: Can you tell whether this definition is a red herring or not? Maybe more clues lie in other locations.
Hint 2: Before I offer this hint I want to make sure you actually understood the previous hint by looking at the tab name of the level. It says "The tallest mountain". Now, if you've tried "everest" as your answer, then you know that its wrong. In fact, Mt. Everest is NOT the tallest mountain - just the highest. So what's the TALLEST mountain? Well, maybe you'll need another look, this time, with some assistance from a trusty little search engine...
Hint 3 Giveaway: It's the one in Hawaii.
Explanation: Looking at the definition, that's obviously a red herring. The picture depicts Google's logo, so it's evident that something must be searched. When you read the tab name, you find out what to search - the tallest mountain. After some searching, you come across "Mauna Kea", which is the tallest mountain in the world. So, if Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world, what's the answer?
LEVEL 14 - Unscramble This Level
Hint 1: Maybe there's white text on this page.
Hint 2: OK, so you've found the hidden text lying on the page in secret: "SEA DRY YET". But you have no idea what it means. Well, I'm not going to help you, so you're going to have to unscramble the level yourself.
Hint 3: Go here:
Explanation: Take note of the bold word "unscramble". After the revealing of the words "SEA DRY YET", it's clear what has to be done. After putting the phrase into a word unscrambler, we get a result: Yesterday. If "SEA DRY YET" unscrambles into "yesterday", then what's the solution to the level?
LEVEL 15 - Too Obvious
Hint 1: Do you see those o's in the word "too"? What do those look like? Now, apply the quote and you'll get the answer.
Hint 2: OK, time to be more specific. The quote comes from something - the name of what it comes from is the answer. How to figure that out? Well, where do the two o's come from? Use that!
Hint 3: Have you searched the quote? If you haven't do that now and figure out what the quote is about and what song it comes from.
Explanation: Like the name of the level says, your course of action for this stage is almost too obvious. By searching the quote onto Google (because that's what the two O's imply), the song was written by Eric Clapton, and it is called Layla. So if we're looking for the what the quote comes from, what's the answer?
LEVEL 16 - Silvery White and Brittle
Hint 1: At first, the tab name looks normal - no hints there - until you realize that the current level number is 16. Why would the tab name refer to level 51? It obviously has to be telling you something. You might want to look to the bold text as a further hint.
Hint 2: OK, so you've seen "Level 51", and "Sb", but you have no idea what that means. Well, the only advice I can give you is to think for a longer period of time.
Hint 3 Giveaway: Well, if you're still stuck, you could always search up "Silver white and brittle" and figure out what element that is. Sb. 51.
Explanation: The tab says "Level 51", so obviously, the answer must involve 51 somehow. The bold text says "Sb", so obviously, the answer must involve Sb somehow. Let's see. What element on the periodic table has atomic number 51, abbreviation Sb, and is "silvery white and brittle"? It's underlined...
LEVEL 17 - Beer Chang
Hint 1: So you see on the screen a picture. In case you can't tell what's in the photo, it's beer. Now it's asking you where am I... Well, what ways are there to figure out where this beer comes from?
Hint 2: So... you have no idea how to locate this picture? Well, you could try searching the beer company, which is written all over the beer itself. You could also try an image search.
Hint 3: Also note that the tab name says "The cap it all of". If you tried typing in the country as your answer, you would have clearly seen it was wrong. Probably because you disregarded that one part - "The cap it all of". What could it mean?
Explanation: By searching the text, "Beer Chang", which appears on the beer, we find that the company is called "ThaiBev", which makes beverages for Thailand and various other companies. But, if we tried inputting "Thailand" as our answer, it's wrong. That's because we need "The cap it all of". And since the capitol of Thailand is Bangkok, what's the answer we can expect to be correct?
LEVEL 18 - Hot and Cold
Hint 1: If you're not on Mozilla Firefox, you may not see all the hints on this page. You can tell because the white text said so. Disregard the re-used picture of ThaiBev you see here. So think - what's an island both hot and cold?
Hint 2: For a further hint, look to the tab name. Download Firefox, if you will. Do you see the flag? What country does that flag belong to? Do you know how to figure that out if you have no clue?
Hint 3 Giveaway: What country is the city "Reykjavik" in?
Explanation: We're looking at the riddle. He's on an island both hot and cold and wishes he had enough money for an ice cold beer. Well, not too much we can tell from the riddle... until we look at the hint on the tab name! The flag is blue with a red cross in the middle. By searching "blue with red cross flag" into Google, here are the results:
And there's your answer.
LEVEL 19 - z 1z 111z
Hint 1: So what comes next? z, 1z, 111z, 311z, 13211z, ? Say each line out loud until it makes sense.
Hint 2: Okay, so that wasn't very helpful. I'll give you a more descriptive hint. First off, make sure you are saying "three-one-one-z" and not "three hundred and eleven z". Second, add a pause every other character, like this: "three one, one z" or: "one three, two one, one z". Yeah, now it's starting to become clear, isn't it?
Hint 3: No?!? Come on. Look at the relationship with each line verses the one behind it, or the one in front. Do you see anything peculiar? Anything that looks rather pattern-like? Once you see the pattern, the next term will be obvious...
Hint 4 Giveaway: "Z. One Z. One 1, One Z. Three 1, One Z. One 3, Two 1, One Z." What's next?
Explanation: Each line is a description of the previous. For example, if I were to describe the line, "311z", I would say that there is "1 3, 2 1's, and 1 z", and that is exactly what the next line says: 13211z. So if I were to describe the line "13211z", what would I say? What comes next?
SIDENOTE: Alternate Answer Request: I think that this riddle deserves an alternate answer "1312311z". When I first tackled this riddle, I assumed it was combination-based - the order of the symbols didn't matter, all that was needed was the quantity of each character. But, in fact, that's not the way it works - this question is permutation-based, where order does matter. Since none of the examples in the question work to distinguish whether the riddle is combination-based or permutation-based, I think that this alternate answer should be accepted.
LEVEL 5 - Cucumber Barbeque
Hint 1: Where do you think the hint is going to be? You've been looking at something the past two levels.
Hint 2: OK, so you caught the phrase, "One letter or five?" and don't know what to do now. So think. What letter could alternatively be a word five letters long? Think about it...
Hint 3 Giveaway: In truth, the letter you're looking for appears many times in the phrase "Cucumber Barbeque".
Explanation: If you know the riddle, you will have figured out that the letter "Q" would be the undeniable letter to answer the question. But what's the underlined five letter word?
LEVEL 6 - Empty
Hint 1: The level appears empty. But in fact there is something there! If only you could whip out a highlighter and just highlight the page, revealing any white text that lurks in the background...
Hint 2: Okay, so if you didn't figure out that you had to reveal the white text on the page by clicking and dragging your mouse across it, do that now. It should read: "Hint: The answer is two letters." Of course, you probably don't know what to do now, since the hint didn't help much. But think! Say the word "Empty" over and over until it is clear.
Hint 3 Giveaway: Doesn't the word "Empty" sound an awful lot like two letters? Maybe the second and fourth ones in the word itself?
Explanation: The hint in white text tells us that "the answer is two letters". Well, the word "Empty" sounds really similar to "M-T", so if the answer is two letters, which two letters are the answer?
LEVEL 7 - Red Herring
Hint 1: In fact, this one actually isn't a red herring. If you read the tab name, you know to look VERY closely for the answer. So, find the answer!
Hint 2: It's in the picture. Really deep in there, hidden on one of the fish's fins.
Hint 3 Giveaway: Fine. Here's a photo with arrows pointed at the spot:
You see the arrows, right? Riiiiiiight?
Explanation: If you looked closely, you might have found the white text on the fish's fin: "the answer is fire". So if that's what it says in the picture, what's the answer?
LEVEL 8 - Sharp Jaws
Hint 1: Another classic riddle. It has sharp jaws but not sharp claws. Stationary it rests but can cut it with the best. So let's see. What cuts things and sits on your desk as stationery?
Hint 2 Giveaway: It beats paper.
Explanation: It doesn't have sharp claws, but it has sharp jaws. Stationary it rests, but it can cut it with the best. What underlined word fits everything in the riddle?
LEVEL 9 - Look at Me a Different Way
Hint 1: The text says "Look at me". However, if you're observant, you may have seen that the text "Look at me a different way" isn't text at all. It's a picture. How would you look at a picture a different way? Can you think of anything?
Hint 2: It's on the right-click menu. Try right-clicking the photo - see your options.
Hint 3 Giveaway: There are only 9 options in the right-click menu. Either you couldn't figure out which one had the answer or you weren't capable of clicking all the options. But anyways, the answer is the name of the file.
Explanation: Here's one way to look at the picture a different way: right-click the image, and then click "Save Image As". When the file explorer pops up, you'll see the image is called "saycheese". So what's the answer to the riddle?
LEVEL 10 - One Plus One Equals Two
Hint 1: Have you seen this kind of puzzle? Each letter corresponds to a number, and if you replace all the letters with their corresponding number, then you get a true equation. So you have to figure out what each number equals. Seems hard, until you look around for hints that make the problem obvious - no guessing requried.
Hint 2: Here's two hints in one: For the clues, use all the tricks you've previously used. Tab names, picture saves, page highlights, etc. There's also one trick you'll need that you haven't used before, but you don't need it. If you have all the letters sorted out, then all you have to do is add up "123456+529954", like it says in the bottom, then convert the resulting six-digit number into letters. Easy as that.
Hint 3: Sorry I can't do a giveaway hint for this level. I can tell you there are exactly 5 hints for this level, and that when you know all five hints, the rest of the letters will solve easily. Of course, I only used 4 to solve the level.
Explanation: The hints are: R=0 (tab name), N=3 (highlight), U=9 (highlight), E=1 (save as), and F=8 (source code). Plugging in numbers, we have "O31 + O31 = TWO" and "8O90 + O31 + I0 = 8IV1". From the first equation, O is 2 (1+1), T is 4 (O+O, 2+2), and W is 6 (3+3). From the second equation, I is 5 (2+2, and a borrowed 1), and V is 7 (9+3+5, carry the one). Now we have all the letters: R=0, E=1, O=2, N=3, T=4, I=5, W=6, V=7, F=8, and U=9. Now, 123456+529954 equals 653410. You can do the last part - turn each of the numbers in letters and you'll have your answer.
Here's the work.
LEVEL 11 - Look At Me a Different Way
Hint 1: You'll have to use a different DIFFERENT way to look at this image. Let's think. What would you see here if your computer couldn't process the picture? Do you know how to find out? It's still on your right-click menu, it's just a different button.
Hint 2: Click "View Image Info". Look for something on that menu.
Hint 3 Giveaway: You could also right click the page and select "View Page Source". But either way, you may have come across the phrase "This is not a red herring: 10+101+1010". Do you know how to do binary addition?
Explanation: Looking at the page source, the associated text for the image reads "This is not a red herring: 10+101+1010". Solving the binary expression, we get "10001". That's all you need - what's the answer?
LEVEL 12 - Look at Me: Html
Hint 1: Let's see... what trick was mentioned in Hint 3 for the previous level? Where did you find the hint "F=8" in level 10, if you did?
Hint 2 Giveaway: Well, you didn't get it. Try right-clicking the page and pressing "View Page Source". Let's look now. Do you see the answer?
Explanation: Just look at the picture.
If you can't make out the answer from that picture, then you're pretty stupid.
LEVEL 13 - A Smoked Herring
Hint 1: Can you tell whether this definition is a red herring or not? Maybe more clues lie in other locations.
Hint 2: Before I offer this hint I want to make sure you actually understood the previous hint by looking at the tab name of the level. It says "The tallest mountain". Now, if you've tried "everest" as your answer, then you know that its wrong. In fact, Mt. Everest is NOT the tallest mountain - just the highest. So what's the TALLEST mountain? Well, maybe you'll need another look, this time, with some assistance from a trusty little search engine...
Hint 3 Giveaway: It's the one in Hawaii.
Explanation: Looking at the definition, that's obviously a red herring. The picture depicts Google's logo, so it's evident that something must be searched. When you read the tab name, you find out what to search - the tallest mountain. After some searching, you come across "Mauna Kea", which is the tallest mountain in the world. So, if Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world, what's the answer?
LEVEL 14 - Unscramble This Level
Hint 1: Maybe there's white text on this page.
Hint 2: OK, so you've found the hidden text lying on the page in secret: "SEA DRY YET". But you have no idea what it means. Well, I'm not going to help you, so you're going to have to unscramble the level yourself.
Hint 3: Go here:
Explanation: Take note of the bold word "unscramble". After the revealing of the words "SEA DRY YET", it's clear what has to be done. After putting the phrase into a word unscrambler, we get a result: Yesterday. If "SEA DRY YET" unscrambles into "yesterday", then what's the solution to the level?
LEVEL 15 - Too Obvious
Hint 1: Do you see those o's in the word "too"? What do those look like? Now, apply the quote and you'll get the answer.
Hint 2: OK, time to be more specific. The quote comes from something - the name of what it comes from is the answer. How to figure that out? Well, where do the two o's come from? Use that!
Hint 3: Have you searched the quote? If you haven't do that now and figure out what the quote is about and what song it comes from.
Explanation: Like the name of the level says, your course of action for this stage is almost too obvious. By searching the quote onto Google (because that's what the two O's imply), the song was written by Eric Clapton, and it is called Layla. So if we're looking for the what the quote comes from, what's the answer?
LEVEL 16 - Silvery White and Brittle
Hint 1: At first, the tab name looks normal - no hints there - until you realize that the current level number is 16. Why would the tab name refer to level 51? It obviously has to be telling you something. You might want to look to the bold text as a further hint.
Hint 2: OK, so you've seen "Level 51", and "Sb", but you have no idea what that means. Well, the only advice I can give you is to think for a longer period of time.
Hint 3 Giveaway: Well, if you're still stuck, you could always search up "Silver white and brittle" and figure out what element that is. Sb. 51.
Explanation: The tab says "Level 51", so obviously, the answer must involve 51 somehow. The bold text says "Sb", so obviously, the answer must involve Sb somehow. Let's see. What element on the periodic table has atomic number 51, abbreviation Sb, and is "silvery white and brittle"? It's underlined...
LEVEL 17 - Beer Chang
Hint 1: So you see on the screen a picture. In case you can't tell what's in the photo, it's beer. Now it's asking you where am I... Well, what ways are there to figure out where this beer comes from?
Hint 2: So... you have no idea how to locate this picture? Well, you could try searching the beer company, which is written all over the beer itself. You could also try an image search.
Hint 3: Also note that the tab name says "The cap it all of". If you tried typing in the country as your answer, you would have clearly seen it was wrong. Probably because you disregarded that one part - "The cap it all of". What could it mean?
Explanation: By searching the text, "Beer Chang", which appears on the beer, we find that the company is called "ThaiBev", which makes beverages for Thailand and various other companies. But, if we tried inputting "Thailand" as our answer, it's wrong. That's because we need "The cap it all of". And since the capitol of Thailand is Bangkok, what's the answer we can expect to be correct?
LEVEL 18 - Hot and Cold
Hint 1: If you're not on Mozilla Firefox, you may not see all the hints on this page. You can tell because the white text said so. Disregard the re-used picture of ThaiBev you see here. So think - what's an island both hot and cold?
Hint 2: For a further hint, look to the tab name. Download Firefox, if you will. Do you see the flag? What country does that flag belong to? Do you know how to figure that out if you have no clue?
Hint 3 Giveaway: What country is the city "Reykjavik" in?
Explanation: We're looking at the riddle. He's on an island both hot and cold and wishes he had enough money for an ice cold beer. Well, not too much we can tell from the riddle... until we look at the hint on the tab name! The flag is blue with a red cross in the middle. By searching "blue with red cross flag" into Google, here are the results:
And there's your answer.
LEVEL 19 - z 1z 111z
Hint 1: So what comes next? z, 1z, 111z, 311z, 13211z, ? Say each line out loud until it makes sense.
Hint 2: Okay, so that wasn't very helpful. I'll give you a more descriptive hint. First off, make sure you are saying "three-one-one-z" and not "three hundred and eleven z". Second, add a pause every other character, like this: "three one, one z" or: "one three, two one, one z". Yeah, now it's starting to become clear, isn't it?
Hint 3: No?!? Come on. Look at the relationship with each line verses the one behind it, or the one in front. Do you see anything peculiar? Anything that looks rather pattern-like? Once you see the pattern, the next term will be obvious...
Hint 4 Giveaway: "Z. One Z. One 1, One Z. Three 1, One Z. One 3, Two 1, One Z." What's next?
Explanation: Each line is a description of the previous. For example, if I were to describe the line, "311z", I would say that there is "1 3, 2 1's, and 1 z", and that is exactly what the next line says: 13211z. So if I were to describe the line "13211z", what would I say? What comes next?
SIDENOTE: Alternate Answer Request: I think that this riddle deserves an alternate answer "1312311z". When I first tackled this riddle, I assumed it was combination-based - the order of the symbols didn't matter, all that was needed was the quantity of each character. But, in fact, that's not the way it works - this question is permutation-based, where order does matter. Since none of the examples in the question work to distinguish whether the riddle is combination-based or permutation-based, I think that this alternate answer should be accepted.
LEVEL 20 - FOUR is Half of FIVE
Hint 1: If four is half of five, and two thirds of six is nine... Hm. This is a riddle to be taken literally. However, unless you know another language, the puzzle will be difficult to figure out.
Hint 2: OK, so that wasn't specific enough. So let's look at the picture for a hint. What is that a picture of? Do you know what country that comes from? And what number language they use there?
Hint 3: Back to the numbers at hand. Half of FIVE. Well, have you tried literally halving "FIVE"? Into FI, or VE, or IV? Which one of those looks peculiar, at least, in sense to the number four? And have you tried literally taking two thirds of "SIX"? Into SI, or IX? Which one of those looks peculiar, at least, in sense to the number nine?
Hint 4 Giveaway: The end answer we need is thirty-two. But written in a different way! What other ways are there to write the number thirty-two? Maybe in a different language?
Explanation: Four is half of five. If we try halving "FIVE", we can get "IV", which is four in Roman numerals. Two thirds of six is nine. If we try taking two thirds of "SIX", we can get "IX", which is nine in roman numerals. So the question is, what is thirty-two? Well, my calculator reads "XXXII", in case you can't convert. And since calculators don't lie, what's the solution?
LEVEL 21 - Ditloid
Hint 1: Red text is the answer, says the tab name. But if you tried inputting "Y" as your answer, you saw that it was incorrect. So how do we solve this very searching ditloid? Maybe by searching for the answer?
Hint 2: Okay, a definition from Google: A ditloid is a type of word puzzle, in which a phrase, quotation, date, or fact must be deduced from the numbers and abbreviated letters in the clue. Example: The solution to the ditloid "16 = O in a P", would be "16 Ounces in a Pound". So if you're smart enough, you could figure out the ditloid "2 = O in G and Y" on your own. And the answer would be the Y, as stated by the tab name.
Hint 3 Giveaway: You can't figure out the ditloid by yourself? Well, maybe you could find some assistance with a favorite search engine...
Explanation: Just look at the picture:
Now, the answer is the Y (red text = answer). Which word in the highlighted phrase on the picture starts with Y?
LEVEL 22 - Dice Add-up
Hint 1: 10 is not the answer. I don't know how, at this point, you still would think that the riddles are that obvious. The text says, "It's not what you can see that counts". Well, what does that mean?
Hint 2: No, 23 is not the answer, either. But if you got 23, you're on the right track - just do the exact opposite of what you just did to get the answer.
Hint 3 Giveaway: For those who did not get 23, the text says, "It's not what you can see that counts". Does that mean, maybe, to add up what you can't see? Well, how do we know what's on the other side of the dice? I mean, we know that all dice have the numbers 1 through 6 on them, and that 3 of the 6 sides are showing right now, but how does that give us any information about the sides that we can't see?
Explanation: Sorry for acting very stupid in the giveaway hint. The hint tells us, "It's not what you can see that counts". Let's see. What are the numbers on the dice that we can't see? Well, on the first di, there's 2, 4, and 6, and on the second di, there's 1, 2, and 4. So adding all those up (1+2+2+4+4+6), we get 19. The puzzle is now solved, and the answer is...
LEVEL 23 - Owl
Hint 1: Sadly, I don't fully understand this riddle myself. I'm not sure where this hint is located, but I'm told that O=1. With that out of the way, here's the hint: Notice how all the numbers in the list are less than 23. And notice how the word "answer" is in bold. What could that mean?
Hint 2 Giveaway: Can you ANSWER the question right? What are the ANSWERs to previous questions? Maybe the ones that answer each of the level numbers in the list?
Hint 3: OK, so you have the answer to those previous questions, and you're thinking, "Now what?" Well, you could always try some kind of pattern, like the first character of each. Ah! That would work! But if you tried the first character of each answer exactly as they appeared, your answer would still be incorrect. That's because you missed out one crucial hint... Look back to the previous hints for the answer.
Explanation: The bold word answer is suggesting that we take the answers to each of the question numbers shown in the sequence. If we take the first characters of each answer, in order, we get the word: "whyw11ly1wl". But this is not our answer! I am also told that O=1, remember? So, changing all the 1's to O's, we get...
LEVEL 24 - Logos
Hint 1: These are very colorful logos indeed, but not for the reason you'd expect at first glance. What do they mean? Well, maybe do you think they're suggesting what companies the logos refer to? How would you figure that out?
Hint 2: OK, so you didn't think of going into paint and saving each individual logo as a separate file, then doing an image search. No biggie, though - I'll give you the answers. The first is Royal Mail, the second is O2 Mobile, the third is Yellow Pages, the fourth is Google (obviously), the fifth is BBC Radio, the sixth is IKEA (you should know this one), and the seventh is Virgin (you can read it). Notice anything familiar about the order and pattern of these companies?
Hint 3 Giveaway: If we take the first letter in each of the companies, we get R for Royal Mail, O for O2 Mobile, Y for Yellow Pages, G for Google, B for BBC Radio, I for IKEA, and V for Virgin. Putting those letters together, we get ROYGBIV. Notice anything now? Here's another hint, just in case: ROYGBIV.
Explanation: Some of the logos are easily recognizable right off the bat, but others may be trickier to deduce. After finding the meanings of all the logos using image searches, we take the first letter of each and string them together into a familiar phrase: ROYGBIV. In case you didn't know what that was, you could search it on Google, and you'll get a result. Here's my work:
Look at these pictures from searching "ROYGBIV". What are they?
Hint 1: Find the pattern! It may not be so easy, though. Try typing "SEF DRG FTH GYJ", and see what comes next!
Hint 2 Giveaway: OK, you've typed the phrase a few times and nothing comes to mind, Well, maybe you need to look at the keyboard while you type.
Explanation: If you look down at your fingers while writing out the pattern "SEF DRG FTH GYJ", you might notice that your fingers go in a nice progression. So what comes next in that progression? Here's a picture to illustrate my point:
So, what comes next? That part is your job to deduce.
LEVEL 26 - Currency and Punctuation
Hint 1: How do I write an appropriate hint for this level? Well, in front of you is a list of, well, currency, punctuation, and Greek. Do you know what some of the symbols listed look like? All of them? Some of them? Any of them? Take all those symbols and put them together - what do you get?
Hint 2: If you don't know what the symbols look like, there's always a good method. The internet is the world's largest source of information.
Explanation: After taking each word and turning them into symbols, here's the result:
What do you think the answer is?
LEVEL 27 - More Logos
Hint 1: Use the same procedure as before. Come on, even the white text tells you that this puzzle is the "same as last time". Like the other time, I'll tell you what each of the logos stand for, although you should probably go search them yourself. When you take the first letter of each logo, like you did in that other level, you'll find a series of letters that may not look as familiar as ROYGBIV - but there is an underlying pattern. Once you see that pattern, it will be instantly clear which one doesn't belong.
Hint 2: This is what the logos represent: 1 - MySpace. Very fast. 2 - Vodafone. Beautiful company. 3 - Ebay. Feels like home. 4 - MSN. Promotes war. 5 - JetBlue. King of all airlines. 6 - Sony. Feast yourself. 7 - United Airlines. Committed to the sky. 8 - NatWest. Sort of like the ocean. 9 - Pizza Hut. The place of death. First letters: MVEMJSUNP. (NOTE: These are not praises/insults to your favorite or least favorite companies - these are hints!)
Hint 3 Giveaway: Hey, did you know that Pluto was kicked out of the planets in 2006? Crazy, huh?
Explanation: First off, let's see what all these logos are about. Taking the first letter of every company whose logo was featured in this riddle gives us the sequence of characters "MVEMJSUNP". If you searched it up, you may have found the series, "Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto". Good, we've made sense of the sequence. But which one of these no longer counts? (READ HINT 3).
LEVEL 28 - Les Misérables
Hint 1: This is one of the hardest riddles in Zahada. Let's begin. If you highlight the page, you'll see white text describing each picture in the self-referential enigma. So... what now? Well, maybe you could figure out what each picture is supposed to mean. Maybe a letter? And then each row spells a word?
Hint 2: If you need help with the letters, I'll give you some knowledge: the album is named Foxtrot, Maya's alter ego is Echo, the author of Les Misérables is Victor, DiCaprio played Romeo, and the award is of Oscar. Knowing this, you should be able to fill in the blanks for all the words. There are also two more pictures you can deduce (the drink and the month) just by looking at one of the words on the picture.
Hint 3: If you have the words, then great! What do they read out? If you don't have the words, then keep looking! Remember: the album is Foxtrot, Maya is Echo, Les Misérables is Victor, DiCaprio is Romeo, and the award is Oscar. Keep that in mind.
Hint 4: OK, so you have the words, and you input them into the URL, and you've found that you're wrong. Well, that's because there's one more step you haven't took, and this is the most difficult step to properly hint at without giveaways. Remember that this is a SELF-REFERENTIAL ENIGMA - it has to be self-referential, and an enigma.
Explanation: OK, I don't blame you if you're super confused on this level. Upon showing this level to my friends, most all of them couldn't figure out ANYTHING. So here's a deep explanation as to what's going on this level. This is a self-referential enigma. It's an enigma (search that up) that references itself, similar to how autological words work. Next, we see four lines of pictures, each with a description in white text underneath them. Here's the procedure. Step 1: Figure out what each letter represents. After lots of time searching and image searching through the internet, we find our information - the drink is T (Tango), the Ritz is H (Hotel), DiCaprio is R (Romeo), Maya is E (Echo), the album is F (Foxtrot), the flag is I (India), the month is N (November), the award is O (Oscar), the militia is U (Ukraine or Uniform), and Les Misérables is V (Victor). Step 2: Translate each line of pictures into words using the letters. After completing this short step, at least compared to step 1, we get the words: "THREE FIFTEEN FOUR FIVE". Now we change each into numbers: "3 15 4 5". Of course, we're not done - it's not truly an enigma without some kind of deciphering work! Step 3: Change the numbers into letters using A=1, B=2, etc. After changing things, we get "C O D E". That spells "code". And what do you know? The answer is self-referential! But wait... what's the answer?
LEVEL 29 - Homophones Part 1
Hint 1: It's homophone time! Do you know what pair of homophonic words fits both of these definitions?
Hint 2: The answer is the one in red. If you're confused, you can do something that you've done a lot in Zahada, or you should have been doing a lot.
Explanation: The word is pour/poor. Pour means "to remove liquid from a jug", and poor means "to have no money". The answer is the word that means "to have no money", so what's the answer?
LEVEL 30 - Homophones Part 2
Hint 1: Obviously part 1 was too easy - time for more of a challenge! Can you deduce the homophonic words for each of these 5 definition pairs?
Hint 2: If you've figured things out, hurray! But you're probably thinking... now what? Only two of the definitions have the red text to tell me which to pick, so what do I do? Well, you probably haven't read the tab name. We've done this a lot in Zahada.
Hint 3: Ah, so you can't figure out the homophones. Well, there's always a great source of information by your side. It provides more than a Google answers.
Explanation: The first pair is soar/sore. The second pair is ate/eight. The third pair is bow/bow. The fourth pair is reign/rain. The fifth word is eye (eyebrow, black eye, sharp eye, I). The tab name says "Take the first letter of each answer if you want to make the cut". So, if we want to make the cut, we'll take the first letter of each answer (Soar, Ate, Bow, Reign, Eye) to get an underlined word. And that's the answer.
LEVEL 31 - Two Triangles
Hint 1: What you see before you is an addition of two triangles, followed by the statement "Only the brightest will be able to add this up". Let's think. What do you get if you add those two triangles together?
Hint 2: Some of you have it. Some of you don't. I'll make the question more specific: What SHAPE do you get if you add those two triangles together? Do you have the answer?
Hint 3 Giveaway: OK, so you tried putting that answer into the text box, and it didn't work. That's because you've missed one crucial step. Remember that only the brightest will be able to add it up.
Explanation: If you add up the triangles, you get a...
STAR! And since only the brightest can figure out that sum, what's the brightest star? If you don't know, you could always find out by searching... (It's a pretty serious star).
LEVEL 32 - Word Search
Hint 1: Here's a rather complex puzzle. First things first, the word search. Since word searches are easier with a word bank, I'll give you a word bank: DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP. But wait! You suddenly realize that it's not just a word search - there's a list of directions! What do those mean? Well, it's exactly what it looks like - a list of directions. Except, you'll have to figure out where to start, or what to do with those directions.
Hint 2: OK, so this riddle is kind of complicated. The text at the top says, "You've made a capitol start so far." What do you think that actually means? If you figure that out, but try to follow the directions, you'll immediately find yourself stuck. That's because you're not going the right way - refer to the actual word search part of the riddle.
Hint 3: Got the path? Once you do, take all the letters that you walked over and put them together. Don't know what that refers to? Well, you could try word searching again.
Explanation: The hints were probably confusing, so here's an explanation. First, the word search. After we find the words in the word bank (DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP), you may notice that they all have letters with arrows on them. That's because the arrows are pointing in the direction that you take when you see that command in the directions! For example, if you saw in the directions, "left 1", you would head to the left in the direction the arrow was pointing in. And since we've made a "capital start", we have to start on the capital letter L. Going along the path the directions and arrows guide us through, we gather up the phrase "Lumbricus terrestris". Now, if you're a taxonomist, you'll immediately recognize what species of animal that is, but if not, you'll probably search it up and find it yourself. Here's my work:
The answer is the word circled in red.
LEVEL 33 - Calculator
Hint 1: Well, are you going to calculate it or what? Yeah, it's that simple. No strings attached. Seriously.
Hint 2 Giveaway: OK, so 577345063 wasn't the answer. There's a little more to this puzzle than I originally said. Sorry. So... what now? Well, take a look at the picture I drew you.
That's the number, right? Good. You should be able to figure out the answer, now. Remember - 1337.
Explanation: If you calculated the math problem by hand, like I did, you probably got something completely off. So then I proceeded to use a calculator. But not one of those new super-stylish kinds that you have on your phone - the old Casio that you see on the picture. The result read "577345063". Then I turned my calculator up-side-down. You can do the same - with your computer screen. You'll see the answer really, really big on your screen somewhere.
Hint 1: I don't understand how to beat this level, so I will be quoting a hint from a Photoblog: "A spy in _____. Has 8 letters, rhyms with rise. Stars with D ends with E."
Explanation: How daft jumping zebras vex pangram letters quickly and prune extraneous latter underlined letters. There you go.
LEVEL 35 - Dot to Dot
Hint 1: Don't you just love connect the dots? But this one will be a bit harder than you'd at first imagine. If you connect all the numbers 1 through 26 and then back, you'll find that the shape you made... is pure nonsense. That's because you haven't connected the dots in the correct way...
Hint 2: If you read the headline backwards, you'll find the instructions: "Shape up and connect the dots where a equals 26." What does that mean? A=26? And what does it really mean when it says to connect the dots?
Hint 3: A=26, B=25, C=24, etc. When each dot is assigned to a letter, connect "the dot".
Hint 4: OK, so you have the shape. Now what? Well, the white text asks you to name it exactly. So if you put the term you used as a child, you're wrong. What's the technical name? You might have to Google it, says the white text.
Explanation: If you translate the numbered dots into lettered dots using the key "A=26, B=25, C=24, etc", and then connect the letters of "the dot", we end up with this shape:
Now what shape is that? What's the technical term? Those who have read the Da Vinci Code know immediately, but if not, try searching "five pointed star" for the answer...
LEVEL 36 - More Dots
Hint 1: How quickly daft jumping zebras vex and prune latter extraneous pangram letters. There are a lot of high-level words in this sentence - if you don't know what some of them mean, look them up. It's crucial that you understand what this statement means to solve this puzzle. Now, to the dots. This stage works exactly like last level. What phrase do you have to go by, though? Well, let's say you're a daft jumping zebra. What would you do very quickly? And what would be the result of that task?
Hint 2: OK, you obviously need a translation for that sentence, even though it's written in perfect English. Okay. The sentence is basically exclaiming that foolish jumping zebras can annoy and remove extra pangram letters very quickly. A pangram is a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet. So, if you were a jumping zebra, what would you do? And what would be the result of that task? From there, connect the dots. Remember that A does not equal 26 anymore!
Hint 3: OK, so if you've connected the dots, congratulations! The shape you see before you is the answer. But if you haven't, what's stopping you? Do you still not know the phrase? OK, here's how you get the phrase. Slowly go through the sentence "How quickly daft jumping zebras vex and prune latter extraneous pangram letters". For each letter, check to see if that letter has already occurred in the sentence - if it has, remove the letter. For example, the word "assassination" will look like "asinto". Do that, and you'll get the phrase.
Hint 4 Giveaway: So you can't figure it out? Fine. It's a building that uses wind to generate power.
Explanation: The sentence we see on the screen invites us to vex and prune the latter extraneous pangram letters within it. After doing this, we arrive with the jumble "howquicklydaftjmpngzebrsvx". Now we'll connect the dots using that phrase, where A=1, B=2, C=3, etc. Here's the resulting shape:
So what is that shape? Do you recognize it? Maybe a certain underlined word will help you understand.
LEVEL 37 - 25 Squared
Hint 1: Here's a rebus puzzle! First, we have a 5 inside a square. Then we have some times, at least, I think that's what those are. Then we have some short adjectives to and thou, followed by a picture of sand. Can you solve the riddle?
Hint 2: Yeah, make the calculation. Do it.
Hint 3 Giveaway: In case you didn't get the rebus down (although I made it pretty clear): We have a squared 5, some times, and then "to", "thou", and sand. Squared 5, times, "to" "thou" and sand. Get it yet?
Explanation: In front of us, we see a 5 Square, then some times, then "to, thou" and sand. Correct? So, the 5 Square represent "5^2", or five to the power of two. The times represent times, as in 2 TIMES 2. And "to thou sand" must be two thousand. So what is (5^2)*2000? If you do the math correctly, you should get 50,000. So if that's the answer to the rebus, then what's the answer to the riddle?
LEVEL 38 - Number Poem
Hint 1: "An adventure should I have on this numerical day!" That's what Boris Seven said before he went and counted everything he could see. And you should too! If you want to solve the riddle, of course.
Hint 2: Fine, I'll be more descriptive. Take all the numbers you see and add them up. The end result is your answer. Happy?
Hint 3: Oh, of course you're not happy. Because you calculated it and got the answer wrong. OK, let's go over the possible mistakes you could have made. If you got 176, that means you've left out two numbers from your calculation. Search up the italic words in the riddle. If you got 93, then you made the same mistake as the one above, as well as leaving out the 83 at the end - that counts! If you got 378, then WHOA! Slow down, there. You're being too smart - read the white text. If you got anything else, then I have no idea what you did wrong. Go through the poem again and see if anything changes.
Hint 4 Giveaway: 34 times 10.
Explanation: I will now paste the poem into this walkthrough, and highlight each time a number appears:
One fine morn' Boris Seven did say,
"an adventure should i have on this numerical day!"
He and two friends then off did set
in search of numbers that they could get.
A dozen hen's eggs and then four more,
a football game; 5-1 the score,
seven white ducks and one gross frog,
nine lives of a cat and 18 logs,
two silver spoons and two golden cups,
thirteen pink socks and nine young pups.
Done, they did count all they could see,
adding each time and it wasn't 83.
Now it's our turn to add all we could see. 1 + 7 + 2 + 12 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 20 + 7 + 1 + 144 + 9 + 18 + 2 + 2 + 13 + 9 + 83 = 340. That's the addition of all the numbers in the riddle. So what's the answer, then?
LEVEL 39 - Quick Crossword
Hint 1: Here's a crossword of 5-letter words. Can you solve the crossword? Maybe? Maybe not? Well, after you solve it, do you know what to do with the letters highlighted in red? And what about documenting the answer? Do you know how to do that?
Hint 2: For crossword help, here are some more descriptive hints: Across 1 - Biggest artery. Across 4 - Synonym for "menace" or "scoundrel". Across 5 - Where pyramids are located. Down 1 - Synonym for "concur" or "support". Down 2 - A kind of football. Down 3 - Synonym for "capable" or "talented".
Hint 3: If you've solved the quick crossword, and have unscrambled the letters in red, you probably found that putting the answer into the URL didn't work. That's because you missed one very important step - documenting your answer. No, it doesn't mean to write down your answer to refer to later. It means something else - something that's very hard to figure out on your own without proper giveaways. Think about it. Think about it very carefully.
Hint 4 Giveaway: OK, so you need answers for that crossword. Here they are: Across 1 - Aorta, Across 4 - Rogue, Across 5 - Egypt, Down 1 - Agree, Down 2 - Rugby, Down 3 - Adept. Now take those red letters and unscramble them. For documenting your answer, I'll just tell you to change .html to .doc, since you probably couldn't figure that out on your own. I definitely didn't.
Explanation: See Hint 4 Giveaway. The red letters unscramble to "probe".
LEVEL 40 - Monospaced
Hint 1: You should have at least some kind of word processing software to open this file. On it, you'll see the level number, the word "monospaced", and then a bunch of seemingly randomly placed symbols. If you don't know what the word "monospaced" means, I'd recommend searching it up - the knowledge of that word is essential to completing this challenge.
Hint 2: What font is the last line in the entire document? Do you know what's special about that font?
Hint 3 Giveaway: Here's some random information that you may never use in your entire life: ASCII art is the sport of using ASCII symbols and characters (like: \VY^_-()<>) to create vivid pictures and diagrams. Normally, ASCII artists rely heavily on the use of monospaced fonts, like Courier New, to get all the characters aligned properly. Since monospaced fonts make all the characters the same length, artists don't have to worry about misaligned characters or adding extraneous spaces to their works. Sometimes a brilliant piece of ASCII art will look like a bunch of arbitrary symbols in other non-monospaced fonts, like Ariel. To see the picture, the font will need to be changed into a monospaced one.
Explanation: The bottom line in the document, which is written in Courier New, suggests that the font of the whole document be changed to that font. After doing so, this is the result:
I have re-written the text in the ASCII art as normal letters, in case you can't read the picture.
LEVEL 41 - The Box
Hint 1: What you probably see is a top line saying "thebox" over and over, followed by a bunch of randomly placed characters, and then another line that repeatedly says "behtxo" over and over. So what's going on here? Well, remember the concept from the previous level?
Hint 2: If you highlight the white text, you'll see it reads, "think outside ..." How do you complete that phrase? And so, what is it telling you to do?
Hint 3: Okay, so if you haven't figured things out, then you probably don't remember the previous level. Try putting the random text in a monospaced font, like Courier New. See what happens. Yeah, now you can see what "think outside the box" meant. Take those letters, and unscramble.
Hint 4 Giveaway: Okay, here's a proper giveaway hint if you don't want to do work. It's the longest word you can type with the top row on the keyboard. Don't know what that word is? Search it up!
Explanation: Using the notion of the concept featured in the previous level, we take the text on the page and put it in a monospaced font, like Courier New. When we do that, we can see a well-defined box shape made of "thebox" reoccurring, as well as a bunch of letters within these borders and a bunch of letters outside these borders. We're interested in the letters outside the borders; after all, the white text told us to think outside. The letters on the outside of the box are T, R, Y, E, I, P, E, W, T, and R. To make sense of these letters, we'll unscramble a word out of it using an online unscrambler. And we get the word "typewriter", which is the longest word you can type with only the top row of your keyboard. After unscrambling, the answer is...
LEVEL 42 - Error 404
Hint 1: Whoa! What's this? You've typed a correct answer! It says we probably shouldn't click 'back' and try again. Well, let's do that... what's the puzzle?
Hint 2: Ah, there it is. Highlighting the white text reveals the string of words: "Lithium Oxygen Nitrogen Fluorine Iodine Sulfur Hydrogen Thorium Rhenium Astatine". Now, if you've taken Chemistry, or at least have had some form of a decent education, you recognize the elements of the Periodic Table. But what for? And what's with the confusing order? Well, if you are a fan of the elements, you know about spelling words with the abbreviations of various elements, right?
Hint 3 Giveaway: Pterois Volitans menace. I hope that made sense.
Explanation: OK, so the giveaway wasn't much help. Well, this isn't actually a very complex riddle (at least, compared to the last 10 or so proceeding puzzles), so it should be fairly easy to grasp. We just take the order of elements and change them into their abbreviations: "Lithium Oxygen Nitrogen Fluorine Iodine Sulfur Hydrogen Thorium Rhenium Astatine" turns into "Li O N F I S H Th Re At". Putting it all together (and taking out extraneous capitalization), we get "Lionfishthreat". Puzzle solved, and what's our answer?
Hint 1: Good, you've read the tab name. You're catching on. It says "BSL". But, you probably don't know what that means. So you can find out. Meanwhile, we'll look at the hands you see on the screen. What do you think they mean? Well, the tab name will tell you.
Hint 2: That's right, BSL stands for "British Sign Language". Do you know this language? If you don't, you can find out. If you do, well, then this puzzle is a breeze! You should know what to do!
Hint 3 Giveaway: Charles Darwin proposed e********.
Explanation: Another simple riddle. Just read out the word formed by the British sign language you see. Just look at the picture:
Now what's the answer?
LEVEL 44 - Cross-Search
Hint 1: Ah, now this puzzle has many parts. I call it a Cross-Word-Search-Maze-End, because it has a crossword, a word search, a search-maze, and a maze end. So let's cover all the parts in one big hint. CROSSWORD - Across 1: Say "to use" over and over again. Across 2: Homophone time! Across 3: It's also a number seen in mathematics, nature, and architecture. Across 4: What fills in the blank? Come on, you should know this one. Across 5: Which English letter looks almost exactly like an eta? WORD SEARCH - There's one word to find. SEARCH-MAZE - Only one of the entrances leads to the exit. I recommend going backwards to find it. MAZE END - Here's a rebus! We have a checkerboard pattern, followed by "M8". What could that mean?
Hint 2: If you've solved every part of the puzzle, that's great! Now read out the statement made by each section one by one, from top to bottom. Can you answer that question? If you're still stuck on a puzzle: CROSSWORD - See giveaway for these. WORD SEARCH - The word is diagonal and is four letters long. It starts at the top and ends at the bottom. SEARCH-MAZE - Found the exit? If not, keep looking. If yes, then just take the letters you passed to get the the finish. MAZE END - Chess term.
Hint 3 Giveaway: CROSSWORD - Across 1: To use. Two use. Two U's. Double U. Du-bl-u. W. Across 2: It's not low - it's high. It's not hello - it's __ (2 letters). Across 3: The golden ratio. Across 4: Can a match box? No, but a tin can! Across 5: 8th letter of the alphabet. WORD SEARCH - It starts with the letter "G" at the top and ends at the very left hand side with the "E". SEARCH-MAZE - Try the entrance at the left that leads into the letter E. Now take all the letters you pass. MAZE END - Checkerboard M8. Checker M-eight. Checker M-ate.
Explanation: The cross-word part is simple. In order, the solutions are: W, hi, phi, can, and h. The solution to the word search is "game". The exit that leads to the end of the maze reads out "ends with", and the solution to the maze end rebus is "check mate". So, reading out the solutions, "Which game ends in checkmate"? Do you know? Here's my work:
If you don't know which game ends with checkmate, you can search it up.
LEVEL 45 - Chess Board
Hint 1: Ah, the Immortal Game. A fantastic match, if I do say so myself. But now's not the time to dawdle - we have a puzzle to solve! "Where the king lies your first clue is found. Not in his fall, but the name of that ground." So the hint is located where the king stands. Where does the king stand?
Hint 2: If you have not found the king, I don't blame you. There are a lot of people who have no knowledge of chess and cannot tell that the piece in question is a king. So go get some knowledge! You know where to go. If you have found the king, but can't tell what ground it is on, look at the numbers and letters on the side of the board! If you have identified the king, but cannot figure out what the cell name means, then either you chose the wrong king or you just need to keep looking at it more. Remember m8, m8?
Hint 3: Can't figure that out? No worries, there's another part of the riddle to help you out. "Then look to find this pattern of pieces, find the way the Immortal Game ceases." If you highlight the white text, you see "ddmmyyyy". What could that mean? Have you seen this pattern of letters before in your life?
Hint 4 Giveaway: Search up "Immortal Game" and find the date it occurred.
Explanation: The black king falls into checkmate on the square D8! But wait... D8? D-eight? D-ate? It appears that by the line, "Find the way the Immortal Game ceases", they're talking about the date in which it happened! If you're not a chess wizard who has memorized the names of every grand-master (I'm definitely not), then you could always search it up. The game took place on June 21, 1851. But wait! You have to remember the format! The white text read, "ddmmyyyy". It was referring to the format in which you're supposed to write out the date! So, after changing "June 21, 1851" into "21061851", the answer is revealed... what is it?
LEVEL 46 - Multidimensional Search
Hint 1: OK, this will be tough to understand without a good explanation as to what's going on here. Basically, it's a 3D word search. Just imagine that each of the five word-search squares you see are stacked one on top of the other, in one big word-search cube. Not only can you find things horizontally, vertically, and diagonally, but you can also find things stacked into the cube, as well as diagonally stacked, and even through the diagonal of the entire cube. With this in mind, you have some words to find.
Hint 2: OK, so you need help with the words. And the hint in white text (Five words: *****/*****/***/****/*****?) is not helping. OK, so I'll help you out. Quoting from Gray's Bluemoon: "1st word is in Diagram 1 (diagonal), 2nd word is in all 5 diagrams (vertical, start from Diagram 1), 3rd word is in Diagram 5 (diagonal), 4th word is in Diagram 5 (horizontal), ans 5th word is in all 5 diagrams (diagonal, start from diagram 5)." Did that help you?
Hint 3: Alright, so you still can't find them. Well, the end of Word 2 goes into Word 3, and the end of Word 3 goes into Word 4. The first letters of each word are: W****/W****/Y**/F***/P*****? Once you find the words, figure out the answer to that question and you're good.
Hint 4 Giveaway: Well, here's a giveaway for those of you who have gave up: The Eiffel Tower is here.
Explanation: Take a look at my work:
So, where would? If you really don't know, there's Google!
LEVEL 47 - Long Words
Hint 1: There's not much to say here. What word means "a long word with many syllables"?
Explanation: Try searching "a long word with many syllables. What pops up? "Sesquipedalian" comes first. But wait! There's another word down the page... it says "Polysyllabic". Is there two answers to this question?
LEVEL 48A - Rebus A
Hint 1: Ah, the simplistic beauty of rebuses. What could this rebus mean? Have you heard this phrase before?
Hint 2: OK, so you need something more descriptive than that. Do you know what a sum is? It's basically an addition problem. For example, "2+3=5" is a sum. So in the picture, you see some sums. One is of the word "WIN", and one is of the word "LOSE". Yeah, now you recognize the common phrase, right?
Hint 3 Giveaway: OK, here's your giveaway. There's a win sum, and a lose sum. Hm. Win sum, lose sum.
Explanation: Do you know what the phrase "Win some, lose some" means? It's a provisional cliche for "You don't always win", or "You don't always lose". And do you know that the word "some" is a homophone for the word "sum"? Interesting, right? (The answer is the whole phrase all in one word).
LEVEL 48B - Rebus B
Hint 1: Ah, the complex beauty of rebuses. What could this rebus mean? Have you heard this phrase before?
Hint 2: OK, so you need something more descriptive than that. Do you know what an insult is? It's when you offend someone by saying words. Sometimes insults can be very hurtful, but other times, it's not very clear that they're insulting you. For example, if you openly state that someone's clothes look horrible, that's an insult. But if you say, "Well suck a cock its not a pastime I'm a developer", it may be an insult, but not a very good or recognizable one. Also, do you know what an injury is? It's basically harm or damage to your body. For example, when you get a paper cut, that's an injury. When you break a bone, that's an injury. When you scrape your knee, that's an injury.
Hint 3 Giveaway: You're adding the phrase "A cliche-ridden humbug and pie-fingering hack", which is an insult, to a picture of a bunch of bone fractures, which are injuries. Hm.
Explanation: Do you know what the phrase "Add insult to injury" means? It's a figurative cliche for "making a situation worse", or "hurting one who is already hurt". And do you know that adding things is the same as taking a sum? Interesting, right? (The answer is the whole phrase all in one word).
LEVEL 49A - The Art of Redirection
Hint 1: Misdirection will always get to you. Always. The riddle is right - never underestimate the power of the red herring! Because if you haven't solved the riddle already, then you're falling for it! Look again! The answer is right in your face!
Hint 2: Ha, you still don't have the answer. If only that red herring wasn't blocking your view, you would have found the answer immediately! So here's an easier example before you try that riddle: "there is a secret meSsage hiding wIthin this seNtence! but it Is not very viSible, is it? it may not Be obvious At first, but just remember that deep Down there is always a simple boat!" Did you find the message? Now apply that to the riddle!
Explanation: I'll highlight the answer for you. It was very simple:
Do you see the simple boat?
LEVEL 49B - Twas briling
Hint 1: Misdirection will always get to you. Always. Level 49A is right - never underestimate the power of the red herring! Because if you haven't found the hint already, then you're falling for it! Look again! The hint is right in front of your face!
Hint 2: OK, so that wasn't very helpful. At most, it was probably fairly insulting. So I'll make it simple: bold text. If you can answer that question, you've beaten the level.
Hint 3 Giveaway: You walk into a cold, dark room with one match. There is an oil lamp, a fireplace, and an heat fan. Which do you light first?
Explanation: What am I? Took in hand, and snicker-snack its head, and flame whiffling wood. Can you figure out what it might be? Maybe a particular underlined word can help you.
LEVEL 50 - Two Paths
Hint 1: Here is where A and B meet. But both paths must be traversed (if you follow this walkthrough, I hope you have gone through both paths). Now look backwards and find the white text that will soften your troubles.
Hint 2: Here's a hint for the white text found in each level, A and B: 48A - Keyboard. 48B - Keyboard. 49A - Say each letter out loud and look for a pattern. 49B - Have you heard this classic riddle? If not, find out! 50A - Given. 50B - Also given.
Hint 3: Once you get all the clues taken care of, you should know what to do next. Unscramble your problems!
Explanation: OK, so I didn't use any giveaways for the hints, so here's my work:
So the letters are H, S, P, E, A, and 2. Can you unscramble that? If you want to move on to phase2, you'll have to do that part on your own.
End of phase 1. Highlight the white text to move to phase 2. If you've made it this far, you are not stupid. So I'm going to stop acting like you are.
LEVEL 51 - Startling
Hint 1: Have you seen this kind of puzzle? It's where you slowly take out each letter one by one, where each time you remove a letter, the word remains a real word. Eventually you'll end with nothing. For this puzzle, there are actually two possible solutions - you only need one to get through. Can you figure it out?
Hint 2: OK, I'll get you started with the solution: From "startling", remove the L to get "starting". Then remove one of the T's to get "staring". You go from here! If you have the solution, follow the instructions on the page... in white text...
Hint 3 Giveaway: If you really can't figure things out, then you could always use your trusty search engine...
Explanation: Start with "startling". Remove the L: "starting". Remove the T: "staring". Remove the A: "string". Remove the R: "sting". Remove the T: "sing". Remove the G: "sin". Remove the S: "in". Remove the N: "i". Remove the I. DONE! Now we enter the letters in the order we removed them, and we get...
SIDENOTE: Alternate Answer: Start with "startling". Remove the L: "starting". Remove the T: "staring". Remove the A: "string". Remove the R: "sting". Remove the S: "ting". Remove the G: "tin". Remove the T: "in". Remove the N: "i". Remove the I. DONE! Now we enter the letters in the order we removed them, and we get...
LEVEL 52 - Splatters
Hint 1: Same thing. The white text tells you that you don't need any clues for this. Since Zahada has probably already separated the stupid people from the smart people, I'm going to take their word on that and not give you any hints. Good luck!
Explanation: Alright, here's the solution for those who couldn't figure it out. Start with "splatters". Remove the S: "splatter". Remove the other S: "platter". Remove the P: "latter". Remove the T: "later". Remove the R: "late". Remove the L: "ate". Remove the E: "at". Remove the T: "a". Remove the A. DONE! Now we enter the letters in the order we removed them, and we get...
LEVEL 53 - Order Me
Hint 1: The white text tells you the answer is right in front of you. Now, I know you're probably thinking, "Red herring", but there actually isn't a red herring here. You can't see the answer because things are mixed up - you'll have to "order me".
Hint 2: Yes, that does mean you have to rearrange the strips so that they form something. But you have no idea what you're trying to make! How will you ever get through all the possible permutations? Ha, and that's the thing - you don't. See those numbers next to some of the strips? 1, 7, and 10? They're hints. What do you think they mean?
Hint 3 Giveaway: Wow, I can't believe I'm still doing these giveaway hints. Okay. If a picture has dimensions of 720x1200, that means it is 720 _____s (5 letters) long and 1200 _____s (5 letters) wide.
Explanation: Here's my final rearrangement for an explanation:
Do you see the answer? What is it?
NOTE FOR BONUS: Bonus levels will not be covered in this walkthrough! I'm very sorry, but the bonus level pages cannot be trespassed upon by just anyone. You'll have to figure out the riddles on your own!
LEVEL 54 - 8549176320
Hint 1: The order of numbers they give you is not random!!! It is a specific order that follows a very basic pattern! You don't have to know calculus to figure this out; in fact, some people who know calculus won't be able to solve this riddle! Once you find the pattern in the numbers, it will be clear as to how to order the letters. Don't mind the picture - I don't know what that's there for.
Hint 2: Here, I'll make it easier - the numbers "1234567890" order to "8549176320". The numbers "0987654321" order to "8549176320". It doesn't matter what position the numbers are in in the beginning, because they will always end up as "8549176320" when you order them up according to this pattern.
Hint 3: Try spelling out the numbers. See what happens then.
Explanation: The numbers are arranged in a simple pattern - alphabetical by name. You can check for yourself. The numbers are in alphabetical order. So now your job is to order the letters "PFNSLECQ" in alphabetical order. Go ahead. You can do it.
LEVEL 55 - Numbers in a Square
Hint 1: Well, there's a square of numbers... they all look kind of similar... so what now? I mean, the white text just questions whether we can add or not, so how does that help?
Hint 2 Giveaway: Do you know what a magic square is? A magic square is a very special square in which each row and column adds to the same number. Some are very simple, and only really meet the basic requirements, but some are very complex and well-thought out!
Explanation: What we see here in these numbers is a very special square called a Magic Square. Each row and column adds up to the same number - 666. So... what's the answer? I forgot.
LEVEL 56 - The Number of the Beast
Hint 1: No, the number is not 666. The white text has told you that it can be found "Out of order and in error". What could that mean?
Hint 2 Giveaway: Ok, The answer is actually "thebeast". Try it.
Hint 3: Oh, alright. That wasn't the answer. But those of you who tried putting it in are at the right place! You're "in error"! Now you have to figure out what the "out of order" statement means.
Hint 4: Well, the answer still has to be a human number, right? So what's the only human number you see on the screen? And how would you make it "out of order"?
Explanation: "Out of order and in error it can be found". What this means is that we have to take the number we find in error and make it out of order. The only number you see on an error page is the brilliant, but frustrating, 404. To make it out of order, we can switch some numbers around to get "044". Thus we are finished, and the answer is...
SIDENOTE: Alternate Answer Request: I believe that this level should harbor an alternate answer: "440". The creators of Zahada should actually know this - after all, they're not stupid - but why didn't they implement this alternate answer? It wouldn't be that difficult to make.
LEVEL 57 - 5 rt dfg
Hint 1: This riddle should be very simple. Think about it.
Hint 2: Type "5 rt dfg" over and over and over. Think about it.
Hint 3: Look at your fingers while you type. Think about it.
Explanation: The picture says it all:
So, what's next? That's your job to deduce.
LEVEL 58 - Fold and Cut
Hint 1: On this page you'll see a list of instructions, as well as a picture of two flamingos and the statement: "Can you do this without the paper?" The idea should come to you immediately - get out a sheet of paper and complete the folds.
Hint 2: But some of you might be a little lazy, and if you're like me, you also don't have access to good square folding paper. But don't fear! There's a way to beat the level without actually folding anything! See if you can figure it out...
Hint 3: And... some of you have already beaten the level because you followed the directions and folded the shape. Good for you. Some of you beat the level because you managed to draw the steps in Paint, or imagine them. And some of you are still staring at the screen, looking for that key hint which will reveal the answer. I don't know if you're looking at white text (there's none), the page source (nothing there), the tab name (not much help), or whatever. But you're supposed to be staring at the picture.
Explanation: OK, the way I beat this level is by drawing the steps in Paint. First, we have a square turned so that the diagonal runs up and down. Then, we perform a valley fold along the horizontal axis, From there, we cut off some corners, and then unfold to the shape. But what is that shape? Look to the flamingos for the answer - they're literally telling you what the shape is.
LEVEL 59 - The Doctor's Orders
Hint 1: This riddle makes no sense when you read it. I mean, really. Most of the poem here (it isn't even a poem) is just complete nonsense! So how are we supposed to make sense of it and "sum it all up", like the tab name says, in case you weren't aware?
Hint 2: It's random information time! Do you know what bingo calls are? Often referred to as "bingo lingo", bingo calls are specific nicknames given to each number that are used to announce a number when it is drawn. For example, the call "half a crown" means 26, because in the UK, a half crown is worth 26 American dollars.
Hint 3: If you're smart, which I'm sure you are, you've already started finding the values for all the Bingo calls in the riddle using Google and adding them all up. Smart.
Hint 4 Giveaway: The answer is the smallest number that can be written with the sum of 3 cubes in 2 ways. Look it up.
Explanation: Let's do some research. Looking up those bingo calls, we see that "Doctor's Orders" is 9, "Two Fat Ladies" equals 88, "Brighton Line" turns to be 59, "Meal for Two" equates to 69, and "Half a Crown" was already discussed as 26. So adding up 9 + 88 + 59 + 69 + 26 gives us a total of 251. What's the answer, then?
LEVEL 60 - Time for Cake
Hint 1: This riddle is very lateral (white text) and also very hard to hint at without giving away the answer. So I'll try my very best not to ruin this. What did Jane do? She gave each of her two friends a quarter of the cake. Think about it. She gave each of her two friends a quarter of the cake. Think about it. Think about it more.
Hint 2 Giveaway: If you've figured out the time, then great! Use the format written in white text to pin in your answer. But if you don't have it, I'll quote from Grey's Bluemoon: "All I can say is Jane gives a QUARTER of cake TO TWO men. Any idea what the time is?"
Explanation: See hint 2 giveaway. The time is a QUARTER TO TWO. Any idea when that is?
LEVEL 61 - Angry Numbers
Hint 1: These are indeed very angry numbers. You might be wondering, though, "What is it about these numbers that make them furious?" Well, that's what you have to find out! And don't worry, there's a nice little hint in the white text! In case that hint made no sense to you, there's another hint somewhere on the page! Look at the picture a different way. I hope you remember how.
Hint 2: OK, so you need a hint from me. Well, maybe, just maybe, if you write the numbers in a different way, they'll begin to speak some truth. The picture's name will tell you what to do.
Hint 3 Giveaway: Oh, sorry. Did I label this a giveaway hint? My mistake - this isn't really a hint at all - it's just a mislabel to make you extremely livid.
Explanation: We can see that these numbers are indeed very angry when we translate them into Roman Numerals, as suggested by the name of the picture, which is the only number that can climb walls - IV. When we turn "51 6 500" into Roman Numerals, we get "LI VI D", which spells...
LEVEL 62 - Random Numbers
Hint 1: Can you spot the difference? When you do, your answer will be the quality of the bottom picture that's different from the top one. For example, if the top picture had a 2 and the bottom picture had a 5 instead, your answer would be "five" and not "two".
Hint 2: Ha, this is harder than you thought, right? Well, I'll give you a hint: the difference is not the numbers themselves. You need to look at the bigger picture. Look at the images a different way.
Hint 3 Giveaway: You still don't have it? Well, too bad. I'm not giving away any more hints. Yeah. I'm not even going to tell you that you're looking for the file type.
Explanation: The difference between the two photos is not very evident. If we try to save the pictures to our computer, the names are the same, too. But we're in the right place! On that file explorer window, you can see that the top picture is GIF and the bottom picture is a PNG! They're different file types! And since the answer is the quality of the bottom picture that differs, what's the solution?
LEVEL 63 - What Color is the Next Level
Hint 1: It may seem like an impossible question at first glance. What color is the next level? How am I supposed to know? I can't access the next level to see! But some of you out there have probably already answered the question! How do they know? It's because those are the people who saw the pattern. Those are the people who noticed the tiny little details that my walkthrough didn't cover. Look back and see.
Hint 2: If you recognized the sequence, then good! The answer is what the color of the next level should be. If you didn't, then look again! The pattern started on Level 58, and has been going all the way up to this puzzle. Go back and see!
Hint 3 Giveaway: The color of this stage is indigo. Which color comes next on the rainbow spectrum?
Explanation: If you backtracked and looked towards the previous few levels, you may have seen the pattern take shape. Level 58 is red, Level 59 is orange, Level 60 is yellow, Level 61 is green, Level 62 is blue, and this level is indigo. Level 64 should complete the pattern. So, what underlined color should the next level be?
LEVEL 64 - 100000000...
Hint 1: You really don't need any hints for this level. The riddle is simple - what number is that?
Explanation: Ugh. You really don't need an explanation either, but fine. Counting the number of zeros in the large number on the screen, we get a total of... 100. Which makes a googol. So if the number is a googol, what's the answer?
LEVEL 65 - Origami
LEVEL 66 - Dent to Bold
Hint 1: Have you seen this kind of puzzle? It's where you morph one word into another by slowly changing one letter at a time, while the result of each change is still a real word. If you can figure out how to get "dent" into "bold" in 4 moves, then you'll have your answer - it's the word in red. Do you best.
Hint 2: I'll get you started - dent goes to bent. And bent goes to...
Hint 3 Giveaway: If you really can't solve the puzzle, then you could search it up, or you could heed to this giveaway hint: the answer is the present tense of "bent".
Explanation: Starting with "dent". Change D to B: "bent". Change T to D: "bend". Change E to O: "bond". Change N to L: "bold". DONE! And the red word is...
LEVEL 67 - Code Bird
Hint 1: Personally, I hate this riddle. But I'm going to help you hate it less with some hints! The white text tells you that the answer is one word, so how are you supposed to find that one word? Well, if you're a cryptologist, you know what to do. If not, then this might take a little while...
Hint 2: Do you know what a Caesar cipher is? It's a kind of code where you shift the alphabet a certain number of steps. Like, if I were to shift the word "code" 1 step to the right, the C would become a D, the O would become a P, the D would become an E, and the E would become an F. So it would read: "dpef". The trickiest part of deciphering these kinds of codes is figuring out the number of steps to the right that the alphabet was shifted. Cryptologists look at the frequency of certain letters, as well as the frequency of certain short words to deduce this number, and amateurs will just guess. "Is it 1? No. Is it 2? No. Is it 3? No.", etc.
Hint 3: If you've haven't cracked the code, head here: I would not recommend trying any numbers over 25. For those who have cracked the code, here's a hint for the question: what happens when rays of sunshine hit a bird?
Hint 4: For the code, the number is 17. Try it. I can't give any more hints for the question, though.
Explanation: If we go to the site mentioned in Hint 3, put the cipher text in the box labeled "ciphertext", change the shift number to 17, and then hit "Decipher" at the bottom, the text in the box labeled "plaintext" will read: "What part of a bird always stays on the ground?". The solution to the puzzle will be the answer to that traditional-style riddle. So what's the answer? Think about it... If you can't figure it out, then a certain underlined word may help you.
LEVEL 68 - Waits to Tiger
Hint 1: Ah, this again. You should recognize this puzzle. It's the same thing as Level 66, but much, MUCH harder. Try it. See if you can figure it out on your own.
Hint 2: I'll get you started - waits goes to warts. And warts goes to... ...goes to timer. And timer goes to tiger. Finished.
Hint 3 Giveaway: If you really can't solve the puzzle, then you could search it up, or you could heed to this giveaway hint: electric currents run through w____ (5 letters).
Explanation: Starting with "waits". Change I to R: "warts". Change T to E: "wares". Change A to I: "wires". Change W to T: "tires". Change R to M: "times". Change S to R: "timer". Change M to G: "tiger". DONE! And the red word is...
LEVEL 69 - Kakuro
Hint 1: Do you know what these puzzles are? If not, then you should probably learn the rules first. I won't tell you the rules myself because I don't know them. But you can go search it up! The answer is what's highlighted in red, read from the top corner to the bottom.
Hint 2: OK, so if you're too lazy to actually go through the work and solve the puzzle on your own, you can find a Kakuro solver online! You have to create an account to use the Kakuro solver, though, so use this public login I created myself: Username - forzahadaplayer, Password - Level69.
Hint 3 Giveaway: If you're REALLY lazy, then here's a giveaway hint just for you: the answer is 4 times 443.
Explanation: Putting the Kakuro solver to the test, we get:
Now, what's the four-digit number highlighted in red?
LEVEL 70 - Some Sums
Hint 1: What you see is a list of numbers, followed by an equal sign, and then another number. You see three of these sequences, with the word "the" between the second and the third. So what could this mean? Well, my advice would be to try and think of things that could possibly go in between the numbers. Maybe in a way that would make sense. The white text will help.
Hint 2: OK, if you still don't get it, you're supposed to put operation symbols, like plus and minus, between the numbers to make each equation true. The second equation is pretty easy, but the first and third might be a hassle. Try your best. By the way, I got confused by this, but the numbers that look like circles with a line through them? Those are 8's, not 0's.
Hint 3: OK, so here's a hint for the top and bottom equations. On the top, you see "9 1 9 2 2 7 5=15", right? Okay, so between the first 9 and the 1, there's a subtraction symbol, and between the 7 and the last 5, there's a division symbol. Finally, between the two 2's, there's a multiplication symbol. Good there. On the bottom, you see "8 2 8 7=98", right? Okay, so between the 2 and the second 8, there's an addition symbol. That's all I will give you. Have the equations solved? Good. Now turn all those symbols you see (Yes, and the equal symbol) into letters in a way that we have been doing a whole dang lot in Zahada.
Explanation: Okay, so the goal is to make all these equations true by putting operational symbol in between the numbers. This picture will show you the solution:
Here are all the symbols, in order:
subtraction, addition, multiplication, multiplication, addition, division, equals, multiplication, equals, THE, subtraction, addition, multiplication, equals. Now what does that underlined sequence mean?
LEVEL 71 - Nonogram
Hint 1: I, myName2243, am not very good at 2D nonograms. CDB, on the other hand, rules at them. But CDB's mind cannot wrap around 3D picross - however, I am crazy good at those. Strange, huh? (Yes, that was a hint.)
Hint 2: Okay, so that first hint was a little bit vague for some of you. What you see in front of you is a classic nonogram puzzle. I will now go into a full-on summary of the puzzle. NONOGRAMS: The goal is to use the numerical hints on the sides of the grid to fill out the grid, revealing a hidden picture. The numbers tell you how many consecutive squares should stay within the given column or row. For example, a 5 in a row of 15 will tell you that 5 of the 15 squares in that row will stay, and that they must be consecutive. You may also see multiple numbers in one row, like "121121". That means that there is 1 square, followed by a gap, then 2, then a gap, then 1, then... you get the point. In this way, you use logical techniques to fill out the entire grid, forming the picture. Good luck.
Hint 3: This hint helped me out a lot on this puzzle when CDB gave it to me: the final result will be a symmetrical picture. So whatever you fill in on the left side can be mirrored on the right side.
Hint 4 Giveaway: What emblem would you expect to see on a black pirate flag? At least, stereotypically?
Explanation: Here's a picture of the solved position:
And so what is that a picture of? Can you tell? (skullandcrossbones)
LEVEL 72 - Five Rectangles
Hint 1: Here's another puzzle that only CDB understands. If you're like me, this puzzle will be virtually impossible. However, I'm going to assume that you know the children's song that this puzzle is referring to, and continue to guide you in the right direction.
Hint 2: Good, at least you know that it's a children's song. Now, the whole diagram is one verse, and each box is... I really don't know. But each column, all the way down all the boxes, is one line of the verse. And the lines go from left to right. So now you have to figure out what the red number is referring to...
Hint 3: See, it even says in white text, "A five-year-old could figure this out!" As if they're trying to mock the people who didn't have a childhood life. But anyways, another hint: the song is about body parts. Each number represents the amount of that body part that you have. I think the X's represent the location of your hands, so your hands is not one of the body parts represented by the numbers. Ah, so that's the song the diagram is referring to.
Hint 4: Once you have the song figured out, just find out what that red number "2" means. And you're good to go. If you really don't know the name of the children's song, it's called "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes". If you don't know it (like me), then search it up and try to find a non-creepy rendition of it. You'll fail.
Hint 5 Giveaway: The red number 2 represents a body part that is on your head somewhere. Look around your head. What do you have 2 of? Four letter answer.
Explanation: You see, the diagram is representing the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes". Seriously, read from top to bottom. The first two lines go: "heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes..." And the first two columns in all the boxes perfectly represent that. The next two lines are the exact same. Then the fifth line goes, "eyes, ears, nose and mouth", and then the last two lines are exactly the same as the first two. So what underlined word would be the answer here?
LEVEL 73 - Very Special Pictures
Hint 1: Highlight the white text. Now you know what you're looking for - each picture represents a word, and the marked letters will unscramble to the answer. Two words are right there in front of you, but the rest has to be deduced. And some of these can be pretty hard, unless you know what all the words have in common. Then it's easy.
Hint 2: "Okay, so what do all the words have in common?", you ask. I can't tell you that, but what I CAN do is give you a list of words that fit the description: try, flyby, myth, sky, lynch. See the pattern? All the words in this puzzle follow that simple rule. Once you have the words that the pictures represent, you can find the marked letters and unscramble them into the answer, which also follows the above pattern.
Hint 3: I have no more hints for you, so I will quote Grey's Bluemoon: "Line 1 [last picture]: Musical nodes - 7 letters expected but is a plural so it ends with "S", 6 more letters for you to go. Line 2 [last picture]: Interior with pillars - A place where dead people held. 5 letters. Line 3 [last picture]: Crawling lady - She's a fortune teller. 5 letters."
Explanation: The first picture is "why", the second picture is "cry", the third picture is "sly", the fourth picture is "rhythms", the fifth picture is "by", the sixth picture is "my", the seventh picture is "crypt", the eighth picture is "shy", and the ninth picture is "gypsy". Put it all together, take the certain underlined letters, and what you get is "yympg". Unscramble that, and you get "pygmy". And so, the puzzle is solved, and the answer is - wait, what's the answer, again?
LEVEL 74 - Two Letters
Hint 1: "Divide this shape into two letter shapes which fit back together to form an 8x8 square." Well, this level is actually fairly easy, and can be solved pretty quickly. All you have to do is figure out the letter shapes that are required. And those letters will be your answer. If they are capitol letters, then type capitol letters. If they are lowercase letters, then type lowercase letters.
Hint 2 Giveaway: There's really not much else to hint at, so I'll do a giveaway. They're the same letter. Now you spammers out there can just try everything. One of the combinations is bound to work.
Explanation: The picture explains everything:
Now what two letters are those?
LEVEL 75 - Bee Kiss
Hint 1: The white text says, "I hope this doesn't take a long time to figure out." This line does not mean that the puzzle is easy... In fact, it's not referring to the difficulty of the puzzle in any way!
Hint 2: OK, now for a better, more clear hint. You see four pictures. They all have something in common. From there, the rendition of that common factor will be the answer. If you're having trouble, find out what the pictures are and try spelling them.
Hint 3 Giveaway: Some of you have the answer. That's probably because this riddle really is pretty easy! After all, the creators of Zahada must think so. They hope that this doesn't take long to figure out. Wait... a long time? A long time. How old are you right now? What's your age?
Explanation: OK, that giveaway was really sloppy. What is in common with all these pictures? The names all have double letters in them. Did you notice? The first picture is "aardvark", with a double "A". The second picture is "eggs", with a double "G". The third picture is "bumblebee", with a double "E". The fourth picture is "kiss", with a double "S". Put those letters together, and you get a word, which is the answer. But that's your part.
End of phase 2. Highlight the white text to move to phase 3. If you've made it this far, you are pretty smart. So I'm going to start acting like you are.
LEVEL 76 - 52 Dots
LEVEL 23 - Owl
Hint 1: Sadly, I don't fully understand this riddle myself. I'm not sure where this hint is located, but I'm told that O=1. With that out of the way, here's the hint: Notice how all the numbers in the list are less than 23. And notice how the word "answer" is in bold. What could that mean?
Hint 2 Giveaway: Can you ANSWER the question right? What are the ANSWERs to previous questions? Maybe the ones that answer each of the level numbers in the list?
Hint 3: OK, so you have the answer to those previous questions, and you're thinking, "Now what?" Well, you could always try some kind of pattern, like the first character of each. Ah! That would work! But if you tried the first character of each answer exactly as they appeared, your answer would still be incorrect. That's because you missed out one crucial hint... Look back to the previous hints for the answer.
Explanation: The bold word answer is suggesting that we take the answers to each of the question numbers shown in the sequence. If we take the first characters of each answer, in order, we get the word: "whyw11ly1wl". But this is not our answer! I am also told that O=1, remember? So, changing all the 1's to O's, we get...
LEVEL 24 - Logos
Hint 1: These are very colorful logos indeed, but not for the reason you'd expect at first glance. What do they mean? Well, maybe do you think they're suggesting what companies the logos refer to? How would you figure that out?
Hint 2: OK, so you didn't think of going into paint and saving each individual logo as a separate file, then doing an image search. No biggie, though - I'll give you the answers. The first is Royal Mail, the second is O2 Mobile, the third is Yellow Pages, the fourth is Google (obviously), the fifth is BBC Radio, the sixth is IKEA (you should know this one), and the seventh is Virgin (you can read it). Notice anything familiar about the order and pattern of these companies?
Hint 3 Giveaway: If we take the first letter in each of the companies, we get R for Royal Mail, O for O2 Mobile, Y for Yellow Pages, G for Google, B for BBC Radio, I for IKEA, and V for Virgin. Putting those letters together, we get ROYGBIV. Notice anything now? Here's another hint, just in case: ROYGBIV.
Explanation: Some of the logos are easily recognizable right off the bat, but others may be trickier to deduce. After finding the meanings of all the logos using image searches, we take the first letter of each and string them together into a familiar phrase: ROYGBIV. In case you didn't know what that was, you could search it on Google, and you'll get a result. Here's my work:
Look at these pictures from searching "ROYGBIV". What are they?
Hint 1: Find the pattern! It may not be so easy, though. Try typing "SEF DRG FTH GYJ", and see what comes next!
Hint 2 Giveaway: OK, you've typed the phrase a few times and nothing comes to mind, Well, maybe you need to look at the keyboard while you type.
Explanation: If you look down at your fingers while writing out the pattern "SEF DRG FTH GYJ", you might notice that your fingers go in a nice progression. So what comes next in that progression? Here's a picture to illustrate my point:
So, what comes next? That part is your job to deduce.
LEVEL 26 - Currency and Punctuation
Hint 1: How do I write an appropriate hint for this level? Well, in front of you is a list of, well, currency, punctuation, and Greek. Do you know what some of the symbols listed look like? All of them? Some of them? Any of them? Take all those symbols and put them together - what do you get?
Hint 2: If you don't know what the symbols look like, there's always a good method. The internet is the world's largest source of information.
Explanation: After taking each word and turning them into symbols, here's the result:
What do you think the answer is?
LEVEL 27 - More Logos
Hint 1: Use the same procedure as before. Come on, even the white text tells you that this puzzle is the "same as last time". Like the other time, I'll tell you what each of the logos stand for, although you should probably go search them yourself. When you take the first letter of each logo, like you did in that other level, you'll find a series of letters that may not look as familiar as ROYGBIV - but there is an underlying pattern. Once you see that pattern, it will be instantly clear which one doesn't belong.
Hint 2: This is what the logos represent: 1 - MySpace. Very fast. 2 - Vodafone. Beautiful company. 3 - Ebay. Feels like home. 4 - MSN. Promotes war. 5 - JetBlue. King of all airlines. 6 - Sony. Feast yourself. 7 - United Airlines. Committed to the sky. 8 - NatWest. Sort of like the ocean. 9 - Pizza Hut. The place of death. First letters: MVEMJSUNP. (NOTE: These are not praises/insults to your favorite or least favorite companies - these are hints!)
Hint 3 Giveaway: Hey, did you know that Pluto was kicked out of the planets in 2006? Crazy, huh?
Explanation: First off, let's see what all these logos are about. Taking the first letter of every company whose logo was featured in this riddle gives us the sequence of characters "MVEMJSUNP". If you searched it up, you may have found the series, "Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto". Good, we've made sense of the sequence. But which one of these no longer counts? (READ HINT 3).
LEVEL 28 - Les Misérables
Hint 1: This is one of the hardest riddles in Zahada. Let's begin. If you highlight the page, you'll see white text describing each picture in the self-referential enigma. So... what now? Well, maybe you could figure out what each picture is supposed to mean. Maybe a letter? And then each row spells a word?
Hint 2: If you need help with the letters, I'll give you some knowledge: the album is named Foxtrot, Maya's alter ego is Echo, the author of Les Misérables is Victor, DiCaprio played Romeo, and the award is of Oscar. Knowing this, you should be able to fill in the blanks for all the words. There are also two more pictures you can deduce (the drink and the month) just by looking at one of the words on the picture.
Hint 3: If you have the words, then great! What do they read out? If you don't have the words, then keep looking! Remember: the album is Foxtrot, Maya is Echo, Les Misérables is Victor, DiCaprio is Romeo, and the award is Oscar. Keep that in mind.
Hint 4: OK, so you have the words, and you input them into the URL, and you've found that you're wrong. Well, that's because there's one more step you haven't took, and this is the most difficult step to properly hint at without giveaways. Remember that this is a SELF-REFERENTIAL ENIGMA - it has to be self-referential, and an enigma.
Explanation: OK, I don't blame you if you're super confused on this level. Upon showing this level to my friends, most all of them couldn't figure out ANYTHING. So here's a deep explanation as to what's going on this level. This is a self-referential enigma. It's an enigma (search that up) that references itself, similar to how autological words work. Next, we see four lines of pictures, each with a description in white text underneath them. Here's the procedure. Step 1: Figure out what each letter represents. After lots of time searching and image searching through the internet, we find our information - the drink is T (Tango), the Ritz is H (Hotel), DiCaprio is R (Romeo), Maya is E (Echo), the album is F (Foxtrot), the flag is I (India), the month is N (November), the award is O (Oscar), the militia is U (Ukraine or Uniform), and Les Misérables is V (Victor). Step 2: Translate each line of pictures into words using the letters. After completing this short step, at least compared to step 1, we get the words: "THREE FIFTEEN FOUR FIVE". Now we change each into numbers: "3 15 4 5". Of course, we're not done - it's not truly an enigma without some kind of deciphering work! Step 3: Change the numbers into letters using A=1, B=2, etc. After changing things, we get "C O D E". That spells "code". And what do you know? The answer is self-referential! But wait... what's the answer?
LEVEL 29 - Homophones Part 1
Hint 1: It's homophone time! Do you know what pair of homophonic words fits both of these definitions?
Hint 2: The answer is the one in red. If you're confused, you can do something that you've done a lot in Zahada, or you should have been doing a lot.
Explanation: The word is pour/poor. Pour means "to remove liquid from a jug", and poor means "to have no money". The answer is the word that means "to have no money", so what's the answer?
LEVEL 30 - Homophones Part 2
Hint 1: Obviously part 1 was too easy - time for more of a challenge! Can you deduce the homophonic words for each of these 5 definition pairs?
Hint 2: If you've figured things out, hurray! But you're probably thinking... now what? Only two of the definitions have the red text to tell me which to pick, so what do I do? Well, you probably haven't read the tab name. We've done this a lot in Zahada.
Hint 3: Ah, so you can't figure out the homophones. Well, there's always a great source of information by your side. It provides more than a Google answers.
Explanation: The first pair is soar/sore. The second pair is ate/eight. The third pair is bow/bow. The fourth pair is reign/rain. The fifth word is eye (eyebrow, black eye, sharp eye, I). The tab name says "Take the first letter of each answer if you want to make the cut". So, if we want to make the cut, we'll take the first letter of each answer (Soar, Ate, Bow, Reign, Eye) to get an underlined word. And that's the answer.
LEVEL 31 - Two Triangles
Hint 1: What you see before you is an addition of two triangles, followed by the statement "Only the brightest will be able to add this up". Let's think. What do you get if you add those two triangles together?
Hint 2: Some of you have it. Some of you don't. I'll make the question more specific: What SHAPE do you get if you add those two triangles together? Do you have the answer?
Hint 3 Giveaway: OK, so you tried putting that answer into the text box, and it didn't work. That's because you've missed one crucial step. Remember that only the brightest will be able to add it up.
Explanation: If you add up the triangles, you get a...
STAR! And since only the brightest can figure out that sum, what's the brightest star? If you don't know, you could always find out by searching... (It's a pretty serious star).
LEVEL 32 - Word Search
Hint 1: Here's a rather complex puzzle. First things first, the word search. Since word searches are easier with a word bank, I'll give you a word bank: DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP. But wait! You suddenly realize that it's not just a word search - there's a list of directions! What do those mean? Well, it's exactly what it looks like - a list of directions. Except, you'll have to figure out where to start, or what to do with those directions.
Hint 2: OK, so this riddle is kind of complicated. The text at the top says, "You've made a capitol start so far." What do you think that actually means? If you figure that out, but try to follow the directions, you'll immediately find yourself stuck. That's because you're not going the right way - refer to the actual word search part of the riddle.
Hint 3: Got the path? Once you do, take all the letters that you walked over and put them together. Don't know what that refers to? Well, you could try word searching again.
Explanation: The hints were probably confusing, so here's an explanation. First, the word search. After we find the words in the word bank (DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP), you may notice that they all have letters with arrows on them. That's because the arrows are pointing in the direction that you take when you see that command in the directions! For example, if you saw in the directions, "left 1", you would head to the left in the direction the arrow was pointing in. And since we've made a "capital start", we have to start on the capital letter L. Going along the path the directions and arrows guide us through, we gather up the phrase "Lumbricus terrestris". Now, if you're a taxonomist, you'll immediately recognize what species of animal that is, but if not, you'll probably search it up and find it yourself. Here's my work:
The answer is the word circled in red.
LEVEL 33 - Calculator
Hint 1: Well, are you going to calculate it or what? Yeah, it's that simple. No strings attached. Seriously.
Hint 2 Giveaway: OK, so 577345063 wasn't the answer. There's a little more to this puzzle than I originally said. Sorry. So... what now? Well, take a look at the picture I drew you.
That's the number, right? Good. You should be able to figure out the answer, now. Remember - 1337.
Explanation: If you calculated the math problem by hand, like I did, you probably got something completely off. So then I proceeded to use a calculator. But not one of those new super-stylish kinds that you have on your phone - the old Casio that you see on the picture. The result read "577345063". Then I turned my calculator up-side-down. You can do the same - with your computer screen. You'll see the answer really, really big on your screen somewhere.
Hint 1: I don't understand how to beat this level, so I will be quoting a hint from a Photoblog: "A spy in _____. Has 8 letters, rhyms with rise. Stars with D ends with E."
Explanation: How daft jumping zebras vex pangram letters quickly and prune extraneous latter underlined letters. There you go.
LEVEL 35 - Dot to Dot
Hint 1: Don't you just love connect the dots? But this one will be a bit harder than you'd at first imagine. If you connect all the numbers 1 through 26 and then back, you'll find that the shape you made... is pure nonsense. That's because you haven't connected the dots in the correct way...
Hint 2: If you read the headline backwards, you'll find the instructions: "Shape up and connect the dots where a equals 26." What does that mean? A=26? And what does it really mean when it says to connect the dots?
Hint 3: A=26, B=25, C=24, etc. When each dot is assigned to a letter, connect "the dot".
Hint 4: OK, so you have the shape. Now what? Well, the white text asks you to name it exactly. So if you put the term you used as a child, you're wrong. What's the technical name? You might have to Google it, says the white text.
Explanation: If you translate the numbered dots into lettered dots using the key "A=26, B=25, C=24, etc", and then connect the letters of "the dot", we end up with this shape:
Now what shape is that? What's the technical term? Those who have read the Da Vinci Code know immediately, but if not, try searching "five pointed star" for the answer...
LEVEL 36 - More Dots
Hint 1: How quickly daft jumping zebras vex and prune latter extraneous pangram letters. There are a lot of high-level words in this sentence - if you don't know what some of them mean, look them up. It's crucial that you understand what this statement means to solve this puzzle. Now, to the dots. This stage works exactly like last level. What phrase do you have to go by, though? Well, let's say you're a daft jumping zebra. What would you do very quickly? And what would be the result of that task?
Hint 2: OK, you obviously need a translation for that sentence, even though it's written in perfect English. Okay. The sentence is basically exclaiming that foolish jumping zebras can annoy and remove extra pangram letters very quickly. A pangram is a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet. So, if you were a jumping zebra, what would you do? And what would be the result of that task? From there, connect the dots. Remember that A does not equal 26 anymore!
Hint 3: OK, so if you've connected the dots, congratulations! The shape you see before you is the answer. But if you haven't, what's stopping you? Do you still not know the phrase? OK, here's how you get the phrase. Slowly go through the sentence "How quickly daft jumping zebras vex and prune latter extraneous pangram letters". For each letter, check to see if that letter has already occurred in the sentence - if it has, remove the letter. For example, the word "assassination" will look like "asinto". Do that, and you'll get the phrase.
Hint 4 Giveaway: So you can't figure it out? Fine. It's a building that uses wind to generate power.
Explanation: The sentence we see on the screen invites us to vex and prune the latter extraneous pangram letters within it. After doing this, we arrive with the jumble "howquicklydaftjmpngzebrsvx". Now we'll connect the dots using that phrase, where A=1, B=2, C=3, etc. Here's the resulting shape:
So what is that shape? Do you recognize it? Maybe a certain underlined word will help you understand.
LEVEL 37 - 25 Squared
Hint 1: Here's a rebus puzzle! First, we have a 5 inside a square. Then we have some times, at least, I think that's what those are. Then we have some short adjectives to and thou, followed by a picture of sand. Can you solve the riddle?
Hint 2: Yeah, make the calculation. Do it.
Hint 3 Giveaway: In case you didn't get the rebus down (although I made it pretty clear): We have a squared 5, some times, and then "to", "thou", and sand. Squared 5, times, "to" "thou" and sand. Get it yet?
Explanation: In front of us, we see a 5 Square, then some times, then "to, thou" and sand. Correct? So, the 5 Square represent "5^2", or five to the power of two. The times represent times, as in 2 TIMES 2. And "to thou sand" must be two thousand. So what is (5^2)*2000? If you do the math correctly, you should get 50,000. So if that's the answer to the rebus, then what's the answer to the riddle?
LEVEL 38 - Number Poem
Hint 1: "An adventure should I have on this numerical day!" That's what Boris Seven said before he went and counted everything he could see. And you should too! If you want to solve the riddle, of course.
Hint 2: Fine, I'll be more descriptive. Take all the numbers you see and add them up. The end result is your answer. Happy?
Hint 3: Oh, of course you're not happy. Because you calculated it and got the answer wrong. OK, let's go over the possible mistakes you could have made. If you got 176, that means you've left out two numbers from your calculation. Search up the italic words in the riddle. If you got 93, then you made the same mistake as the one above, as well as leaving out the 83 at the end - that counts! If you got 378, then WHOA! Slow down, there. You're being too smart - read the white text. If you got anything else, then I have no idea what you did wrong. Go through the poem again and see if anything changes.
Hint 4 Giveaway: 34 times 10.
Explanation: I will now paste the poem into this walkthrough, and highlight each time a number appears:
One fine morn' Boris Seven did say,
"an adventure should i have on this numerical day!"
He and two friends then off did set
in search of numbers that they could get.
A dozen hen's eggs and then four more,
a football game; 5-1 the score,
seven white ducks and one gross frog,
nine lives of a cat and 18 logs,
two silver spoons and two golden cups,
thirteen pink socks and nine young pups.
Done, they did count all they could see,
adding each time and it wasn't 83.
Now it's our turn to add all we could see. 1 + 7 + 2 + 12 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 20 + 7 + 1 + 144 + 9 + 18 + 2 + 2 + 13 + 9 + 83 = 340. That's the addition of all the numbers in the riddle. So what's the answer, then?
LEVEL 39 - Quick Crossword
Hint 1: Here's a crossword of 5-letter words. Can you solve the crossword? Maybe? Maybe not? Well, after you solve it, do you know what to do with the letters highlighted in red? And what about documenting the answer? Do you know how to do that?
Hint 2: For crossword help, here are some more descriptive hints: Across 1 - Biggest artery. Across 4 - Synonym for "menace" or "scoundrel". Across 5 - Where pyramids are located. Down 1 - Synonym for "concur" or "support". Down 2 - A kind of football. Down 3 - Synonym for "capable" or "talented".
Hint 3: If you've solved the quick crossword, and have unscrambled the letters in red, you probably found that putting the answer into the URL didn't work. That's because you missed one very important step - documenting your answer. No, it doesn't mean to write down your answer to refer to later. It means something else - something that's very hard to figure out on your own without proper giveaways. Think about it. Think about it very carefully.
Hint 4 Giveaway: OK, so you need answers for that crossword. Here they are: Across 1 - Aorta, Across 4 - Rogue, Across 5 - Egypt, Down 1 - Agree, Down 2 - Rugby, Down 3 - Adept. Now take those red letters and unscramble them. For documenting your answer, I'll just tell you to change .html to .doc, since you probably couldn't figure that out on your own. I definitely didn't.
Explanation: See Hint 4 Giveaway. The red letters unscramble to "probe".
LEVEL 40 - Monospaced
Hint 1: You should have at least some kind of word processing software to open this file. On it, you'll see the level number, the word "monospaced", and then a bunch of seemingly randomly placed symbols. If you don't know what the word "monospaced" means, I'd recommend searching it up - the knowledge of that word is essential to completing this challenge.
Hint 2: What font is the last line in the entire document? Do you know what's special about that font?
Hint 3 Giveaway: Here's some random information that you may never use in your entire life: ASCII art is the sport of using ASCII symbols and characters (like: \VY^_-()<>) to create vivid pictures and diagrams. Normally, ASCII artists rely heavily on the use of monospaced fonts, like Courier New, to get all the characters aligned properly. Since monospaced fonts make all the characters the same length, artists don't have to worry about misaligned characters or adding extraneous spaces to their works. Sometimes a brilliant piece of ASCII art will look like a bunch of arbitrary symbols in other non-monospaced fonts, like Ariel. To see the picture, the font will need to be changed into a monospaced one.
Explanation: The bottom line in the document, which is written in Courier New, suggests that the font of the whole document be changed to that font. After doing so, this is the result:
![]() |
Do you see me? This is to catch liars and cheaters off guard - the hints and explanation to Level 100 is at this link: ___ |
LEVEL 41 - The Box
Hint 1: What you probably see is a top line saying "thebox" over and over, followed by a bunch of randomly placed characters, and then another line that repeatedly says "behtxo" over and over. So what's going on here? Well, remember the concept from the previous level?
Hint 2: If you highlight the white text, you'll see it reads, "think outside ..." How do you complete that phrase? And so, what is it telling you to do?
Hint 3: Okay, so if you haven't figured things out, then you probably don't remember the previous level. Try putting the random text in a monospaced font, like Courier New. See what happens. Yeah, now you can see what "think outside the box" meant. Take those letters, and unscramble.
Hint 4 Giveaway: Okay, here's a proper giveaway hint if you don't want to do work. It's the longest word you can type with the top row on the keyboard. Don't know what that word is? Search it up!
Explanation: Using the notion of the concept featured in the previous level, we take the text on the page and put it in a monospaced font, like Courier New. When we do that, we can see a well-defined box shape made of "thebox" reoccurring, as well as a bunch of letters within these borders and a bunch of letters outside these borders. We're interested in the letters outside the borders; after all, the white text told us to think outside. The letters on the outside of the box are T, R, Y, E, I, P, E, W, T, and R. To make sense of these letters, we'll unscramble a word out of it using an online unscrambler. And we get the word "typewriter", which is the longest word you can type with only the top row of your keyboard. After unscrambling, the answer is...
LEVEL 42 - Error 404
Hint 1: Whoa! What's this? You've typed a correct answer! It says we probably shouldn't click 'back' and try again. Well, let's do that... what's the puzzle?
Hint 2: Ah, there it is. Highlighting the white text reveals the string of words: "Lithium Oxygen Nitrogen Fluorine Iodine Sulfur Hydrogen Thorium Rhenium Astatine". Now, if you've taken Chemistry, or at least have had some form of a decent education, you recognize the elements of the Periodic Table. But what for? And what's with the confusing order? Well, if you are a fan of the elements, you know about spelling words with the abbreviations of various elements, right?
Hint 3 Giveaway: Pterois Volitans menace. I hope that made sense.
Explanation: OK, so the giveaway wasn't much help. Well, this isn't actually a very complex riddle (at least, compared to the last 10 or so proceeding puzzles), so it should be fairly easy to grasp. We just take the order of elements and change them into their abbreviations: "Lithium Oxygen Nitrogen Fluorine Iodine Sulfur Hydrogen Thorium Rhenium Astatine" turns into "Li O N F I S H Th Re At". Putting it all together (and taking out extraneous capitalization), we get "Lionfishthreat". Puzzle solved, and what's our answer?
Hint 1: Good, you've read the tab name. You're catching on. It says "BSL". But, you probably don't know what that means. So you can find out. Meanwhile, we'll look at the hands you see on the screen. What do you think they mean? Well, the tab name will tell you.
Hint 2: That's right, BSL stands for "British Sign Language". Do you know this language? If you don't, you can find out. If you do, well, then this puzzle is a breeze! You should know what to do!
Hint 3 Giveaway: Charles Darwin proposed e********.
Explanation: Another simple riddle. Just read out the word formed by the British sign language you see. Just look at the picture:
Now what's the answer?
LEVEL 44 - Cross-Search
Hint 1: Ah, now this puzzle has many parts. I call it a Cross-Word-Search-Maze-End, because it has a crossword, a word search, a search-maze, and a maze end. So let's cover all the parts in one big hint. CROSSWORD - Across 1: Say "to use" over and over again. Across 2: Homophone time! Across 3: It's also a number seen in mathematics, nature, and architecture. Across 4: What fills in the blank? Come on, you should know this one. Across 5: Which English letter looks almost exactly like an eta? WORD SEARCH - There's one word to find. SEARCH-MAZE - Only one of the entrances leads to the exit. I recommend going backwards to find it. MAZE END - Here's a rebus! We have a checkerboard pattern, followed by "M8". What could that mean?
Hint 2: If you've solved every part of the puzzle, that's great! Now read out the statement made by each section one by one, from top to bottom. Can you answer that question? If you're still stuck on a puzzle: CROSSWORD - See giveaway for these. WORD SEARCH - The word is diagonal and is four letters long. It starts at the top and ends at the bottom. SEARCH-MAZE - Found the exit? If not, keep looking. If yes, then just take the letters you passed to get the the finish. MAZE END - Chess term.
Hint 3 Giveaway: CROSSWORD - Across 1: To use. Two use. Two U's. Double U. Du-bl-u. W. Across 2: It's not low - it's high. It's not hello - it's __ (2 letters). Across 3: The golden ratio. Across 4: Can a match box? No, but a tin can! Across 5: 8th letter of the alphabet. WORD SEARCH - It starts with the letter "G" at the top and ends at the very left hand side with the "E". SEARCH-MAZE - Try the entrance at the left that leads into the letter E. Now take all the letters you pass. MAZE END - Checkerboard M8. Checker M-eight. Checker M-ate.
Explanation: The cross-word part is simple. In order, the solutions are: W, hi, phi, can, and h. The solution to the word search is "game". The exit that leads to the end of the maze reads out "ends with", and the solution to the maze end rebus is "check mate". So, reading out the solutions, "Which game ends in checkmate"? Do you know? Here's my work:
If you don't know which game ends with checkmate, you can search it up.
LEVEL 45 - Chess Board
Hint 1: Ah, the Immortal Game. A fantastic match, if I do say so myself. But now's not the time to dawdle - we have a puzzle to solve! "Where the king lies your first clue is found. Not in his fall, but the name of that ground." So the hint is located where the king stands. Where does the king stand?
Hint 2: If you have not found the king, I don't blame you. There are a lot of people who have no knowledge of chess and cannot tell that the piece in question is a king. So go get some knowledge! You know where to go. If you have found the king, but can't tell what ground it is on, look at the numbers and letters on the side of the board! If you have identified the king, but cannot figure out what the cell name means, then either you chose the wrong king or you just need to keep looking at it more. Remember m8, m8?
Hint 3: Can't figure that out? No worries, there's another part of the riddle to help you out. "Then look to find this pattern of pieces, find the way the Immortal Game ceases." If you highlight the white text, you see "ddmmyyyy". What could that mean? Have you seen this pattern of letters before in your life?
Hint 4 Giveaway: Search up "Immortal Game" and find the date it occurred.
Explanation: The black king falls into checkmate on the square D8! But wait... D8? D-eight? D-ate? It appears that by the line, "Find the way the Immortal Game ceases", they're talking about the date in which it happened! If you're not a chess wizard who has memorized the names of every grand-master (I'm definitely not), then you could always search it up. The game took place on June 21, 1851. But wait! You have to remember the format! The white text read, "ddmmyyyy". It was referring to the format in which you're supposed to write out the date! So, after changing "June 21, 1851" into "21061851", the answer is revealed... what is it?
LEVEL 46 - Multidimensional Search
Hint 1: OK, this will be tough to understand without a good explanation as to what's going on here. Basically, it's a 3D word search. Just imagine that each of the five word-search squares you see are stacked one on top of the other, in one big word-search cube. Not only can you find things horizontally, vertically, and diagonally, but you can also find things stacked into the cube, as well as diagonally stacked, and even through the diagonal of the entire cube. With this in mind, you have some words to find.
Hint 2: OK, so you need help with the words. And the hint in white text (Five words: *****/*****/***/****/*****?) is not helping. OK, so I'll help you out. Quoting from Gray's Bluemoon: "1st word is in Diagram 1 (diagonal), 2nd word is in all 5 diagrams (vertical, start from Diagram 1), 3rd word is in Diagram 5 (diagonal), 4th word is in Diagram 5 (horizontal), ans 5th word is in all 5 diagrams (diagonal, start from diagram 5)." Did that help you?
Hint 3: Alright, so you still can't find them. Well, the end of Word 2 goes into Word 3, and the end of Word 3 goes into Word 4. The first letters of each word are: W****/W****/Y**/F***/P*****? Once you find the words, figure out the answer to that question and you're good.
Hint 4 Giveaway: Well, here's a giveaway for those of you who have gave up: The Eiffel Tower is here.
Explanation: Take a look at my work:
So, where would? If you really don't know, there's Google!
LEVEL 47 - Long Words
Hint 1: There's not much to say here. What word means "a long word with many syllables"?
Explanation: Try searching "a long word with many syllables. What pops up? "Sesquipedalian" comes first. But wait! There's another word down the page... it says "Polysyllabic". Is there two answers to this question?
LEVEL 48A - Rebus A
Hint 1: Ah, the simplistic beauty of rebuses. What could this rebus mean? Have you heard this phrase before?
Hint 2: OK, so you need something more descriptive than that. Do you know what a sum is? It's basically an addition problem. For example, "2+3=5" is a sum. So in the picture, you see some sums. One is of the word "WIN", and one is of the word "LOSE". Yeah, now you recognize the common phrase, right?
Hint 3 Giveaway: OK, here's your giveaway. There's a win sum, and a lose sum. Hm. Win sum, lose sum.
Explanation: Do you know what the phrase "Win some, lose some" means? It's a provisional cliche for "You don't always win", or "You don't always lose". And do you know that the word "some" is a homophone for the word "sum"? Interesting, right? (The answer is the whole phrase all in one word).
LEVEL 48B - Rebus B
Hint 1: Ah, the complex beauty of rebuses. What could this rebus mean? Have you heard this phrase before?
Hint 2: OK, so you need something more descriptive than that. Do you know what an insult is? It's when you offend someone by saying words. Sometimes insults can be very hurtful, but other times, it's not very clear that they're insulting you. For example, if you openly state that someone's clothes look horrible, that's an insult. But if you say, "Well suck a cock its not a pastime I'm a developer", it may be an insult, but not a very good or recognizable one. Also, do you know what an injury is? It's basically harm or damage to your body. For example, when you get a paper cut, that's an injury. When you break a bone, that's an injury. When you scrape your knee, that's an injury.
Hint 3 Giveaway: You're adding the phrase "A cliche-ridden humbug and pie-fingering hack", which is an insult, to a picture of a bunch of bone fractures, which are injuries. Hm.
Explanation: Do you know what the phrase "Add insult to injury" means? It's a figurative cliche for "making a situation worse", or "hurting one who is already hurt". And do you know that adding things is the same as taking a sum? Interesting, right? (The answer is the whole phrase all in one word).
LEVEL 49A - The Art of Redirection
Hint 1: Misdirection will always get to you. Always. The riddle is right - never underestimate the power of the red herring! Because if you haven't solved the riddle already, then you're falling for it! Look again! The answer is right in your face!
Hint 2: Ha, you still don't have the answer. If only that red herring wasn't blocking your view, you would have found the answer immediately! So here's an easier example before you try that riddle: "there is a secret meSsage hiding wIthin this seNtence! but it Is not very viSible, is it? it may not Be obvious At first, but just remember that deep Down there is always a simple boat!" Did you find the message? Now apply that to the riddle!
Explanation: I'll highlight the answer for you. It was very simple:
Do you see the simple boat?
LEVEL 49B - Twas briling
Hint 1: Misdirection will always get to you. Always. Level 49A is right - never underestimate the power of the red herring! Because if you haven't found the hint already, then you're falling for it! Look again! The hint is right in front of your face!
Hint 2: OK, so that wasn't very helpful. At most, it was probably fairly insulting. So I'll make it simple: bold text. If you can answer that question, you've beaten the level.
Hint 3 Giveaway: You walk into a cold, dark room with one match. There is an oil lamp, a fireplace, and an heat fan. Which do you light first?
Explanation: What am I? Took in hand, and snicker-snack its head, and flame whiffling wood. Can you figure out what it might be? Maybe a particular underlined word can help you.
LEVEL 50 - Two Paths
Hint 1: Here is where A and B meet. But both paths must be traversed (if you follow this walkthrough, I hope you have gone through both paths). Now look backwards and find the white text that will soften your troubles.
Hint 2: Here's a hint for the white text found in each level, A and B: 48A - Keyboard. 48B - Keyboard. 49A - Say each letter out loud and look for a pattern. 49B - Have you heard this classic riddle? If not, find out! 50A - Given. 50B - Also given.
Hint 3: Once you get all the clues taken care of, you should know what to do next. Unscramble your problems!
Explanation: OK, so I didn't use any giveaways for the hints, so here's my work:
So the letters are H, S, P, E, A, and 2. Can you unscramble that? If you want to move on to phase2, you'll have to do that part on your own.
End of phase 1. Highlight the white text to move to phase 2. If you've made it this far, you are not stupid. So I'm going to stop acting like you are.
LEVEL 51 - Startling
Hint 1: Have you seen this kind of puzzle? It's where you slowly take out each letter one by one, where each time you remove a letter, the word remains a real word. Eventually you'll end with nothing. For this puzzle, there are actually two possible solutions - you only need one to get through. Can you figure it out?
Hint 2: OK, I'll get you started with the solution: From "startling", remove the L to get "starting". Then remove one of the T's to get "staring". You go from here! If you have the solution, follow the instructions on the page... in white text...
Hint 3 Giveaway: If you really can't figure things out, then you could always use your trusty search engine...
Explanation: Start with "startling". Remove the L: "starting". Remove the T: "staring". Remove the A: "string". Remove the R: "sting". Remove the T: "sing". Remove the G: "sin". Remove the S: "in". Remove the N: "i". Remove the I. DONE! Now we enter the letters in the order we removed them, and we get...
SIDENOTE: Alternate Answer: Start with "startling". Remove the L: "starting". Remove the T: "staring". Remove the A: "string". Remove the R: "sting". Remove the S: "ting". Remove the G: "tin". Remove the T: "in". Remove the N: "i". Remove the I. DONE! Now we enter the letters in the order we removed them, and we get...
LEVEL 52 - Splatters
Hint 1: Same thing. The white text tells you that you don't need any clues for this. Since Zahada has probably already separated the stupid people from the smart people, I'm going to take their word on that and not give you any hints. Good luck!
Explanation: Alright, here's the solution for those who couldn't figure it out. Start with "splatters". Remove the S: "splatter". Remove the other S: "platter". Remove the P: "latter". Remove the T: "later". Remove the R: "late". Remove the L: "ate". Remove the E: "at". Remove the T: "a". Remove the A. DONE! Now we enter the letters in the order we removed them, and we get...
LEVEL 53 - Order Me
Hint 1: The white text tells you the answer is right in front of you. Now, I know you're probably thinking, "Red herring", but there actually isn't a red herring here. You can't see the answer because things are mixed up - you'll have to "order me".
Hint 2: Yes, that does mean you have to rearrange the strips so that they form something. But you have no idea what you're trying to make! How will you ever get through all the possible permutations? Ha, and that's the thing - you don't. See those numbers next to some of the strips? 1, 7, and 10? They're hints. What do you think they mean?
Hint 3 Giveaway: Wow, I can't believe I'm still doing these giveaway hints. Okay. If a picture has dimensions of 720x1200, that means it is 720 _____s (5 letters) long and 1200 _____s (5 letters) wide.
Explanation: Here's my final rearrangement for an explanation:
Do you see the answer? What is it?
NOTE FOR BONUS: Bonus levels will not be covered in this walkthrough! I'm very sorry, but the bonus level pages cannot be trespassed upon by just anyone. You'll have to figure out the riddles on your own!
LEVEL 54 - 8549176320
Hint 1: The order of numbers they give you is not random!!! It is a specific order that follows a very basic pattern! You don't have to know calculus to figure this out; in fact, some people who know calculus won't be able to solve this riddle! Once you find the pattern in the numbers, it will be clear as to how to order the letters. Don't mind the picture - I don't know what that's there for.
Hint 2: Here, I'll make it easier - the numbers "1234567890" order to "8549176320". The numbers "0987654321" order to "8549176320". It doesn't matter what position the numbers are in in the beginning, because they will always end up as "8549176320" when you order them up according to this pattern.
Hint 3: Try spelling out the numbers. See what happens then.
Explanation: The numbers are arranged in a simple pattern - alphabetical by name. You can check for yourself. The numbers are in alphabetical order. So now your job is to order the letters "PFNSLECQ" in alphabetical order. Go ahead. You can do it.
LEVEL 55 - Numbers in a Square
Hint 1: Well, there's a square of numbers... they all look kind of similar... so what now? I mean, the white text just questions whether we can add or not, so how does that help?
Hint 2 Giveaway: Do you know what a magic square is? A magic square is a very special square in which each row and column adds to the same number. Some are very simple, and only really meet the basic requirements, but some are very complex and well-thought out!
Explanation: What we see here in these numbers is a very special square called a Magic Square. Each row and column adds up to the same number - 666. So... what's the answer? I forgot.
LEVEL 56 - The Number of the Beast
Hint 1: No, the number is not 666. The white text has told you that it can be found "Out of order and in error". What could that mean?
Hint 2 Giveaway: Ok, The answer is actually "thebeast". Try it.
Hint 3: Oh, alright. That wasn't the answer. But those of you who tried putting it in are at the right place! You're "in error"! Now you have to figure out what the "out of order" statement means.
Hint 4: Well, the answer still has to be a human number, right? So what's the only human number you see on the screen? And how would you make it "out of order"?
Explanation: "Out of order and in error it can be found". What this means is that we have to take the number we find in error and make it out of order. The only number you see on an error page is the brilliant, but frustrating, 404. To make it out of order, we can switch some numbers around to get "044". Thus we are finished, and the answer is...
SIDENOTE: Alternate Answer Request: I believe that this level should harbor an alternate answer: "440". The creators of Zahada should actually know this - after all, they're not stupid - but why didn't they implement this alternate answer? It wouldn't be that difficult to make.
LEVEL 57 - 5 rt dfg
Hint 1: This riddle should be very simple. Think about it.
Hint 2: Type "5 rt dfg" over and over and over. Think about it.
Hint 3: Look at your fingers while you type. Think about it.
Explanation: The picture says it all:
So, what's next? That's your job to deduce.
LEVEL 58 - Fold and Cut
Hint 1: On this page you'll see a list of instructions, as well as a picture of two flamingos and the statement: "Can you do this without the paper?" The idea should come to you immediately - get out a sheet of paper and complete the folds.
Hint 2: But some of you might be a little lazy, and if you're like me, you also don't have access to good square folding paper. But don't fear! There's a way to beat the level without actually folding anything! See if you can figure it out...
Hint 3: And... some of you have already beaten the level because you followed the directions and folded the shape. Good for you. Some of you beat the level because you managed to draw the steps in Paint, or imagine them. And some of you are still staring at the screen, looking for that key hint which will reveal the answer. I don't know if you're looking at white text (there's none), the page source (nothing there), the tab name (not much help), or whatever. But you're supposed to be staring at the picture.
Explanation: OK, the way I beat this level is by drawing the steps in Paint. First, we have a square turned so that the diagonal runs up and down. Then, we perform a valley fold along the horizontal axis, From there, we cut off some corners, and then unfold to the shape. But what is that shape? Look to the flamingos for the answer - they're literally telling you what the shape is.
LEVEL 59 - The Doctor's Orders
Hint 1: This riddle makes no sense when you read it. I mean, really. Most of the poem here (it isn't even a poem) is just complete nonsense! So how are we supposed to make sense of it and "sum it all up", like the tab name says, in case you weren't aware?
Hint 2: It's random information time! Do you know what bingo calls are? Often referred to as "bingo lingo", bingo calls are specific nicknames given to each number that are used to announce a number when it is drawn. For example, the call "half a crown" means 26, because in the UK, a half crown is worth 26 American dollars.
Hint 3: If you're smart, which I'm sure you are, you've already started finding the values for all the Bingo calls in the riddle using Google and adding them all up. Smart.
Hint 4 Giveaway: The answer is the smallest number that can be written with the sum of 3 cubes in 2 ways. Look it up.
Explanation: Let's do some research. Looking up those bingo calls, we see that "Doctor's Orders" is 9, "Two Fat Ladies" equals 88, "Brighton Line" turns to be 59, "Meal for Two" equates to 69, and "Half a Crown" was already discussed as 26. So adding up 9 + 88 + 59 + 69 + 26 gives us a total of 251. What's the answer, then?
LEVEL 60 - Time for Cake
Hint 1: This riddle is very lateral (white text) and also very hard to hint at without giving away the answer. So I'll try my very best not to ruin this. What did Jane do? She gave each of her two friends a quarter of the cake. Think about it. She gave each of her two friends a quarter of the cake. Think about it. Think about it more.
Hint 2 Giveaway: If you've figured out the time, then great! Use the format written in white text to pin in your answer. But if you don't have it, I'll quote from Grey's Bluemoon: "All I can say is Jane gives a QUARTER of cake TO TWO men. Any idea what the time is?"
Explanation: See hint 2 giveaway. The time is a QUARTER TO TWO. Any idea when that is?
LEVEL 61 - Angry Numbers
Hint 1: These are indeed very angry numbers. You might be wondering, though, "What is it about these numbers that make them furious?" Well, that's what you have to find out! And don't worry, there's a nice little hint in the white text! In case that hint made no sense to you, there's another hint somewhere on the page! Look at the picture a different way. I hope you remember how.
Hint 2: OK, so you need a hint from me. Well, maybe, just maybe, if you write the numbers in a different way, they'll begin to speak some truth. The picture's name will tell you what to do.
Hint 3 Giveaway: Oh, sorry. Did I label this a giveaway hint? My mistake - this isn't really a hint at all - it's just a mislabel to make you extremely livid.
Explanation: We can see that these numbers are indeed very angry when we translate them into Roman Numerals, as suggested by the name of the picture, which is the only number that can climb walls - IV. When we turn "51 6 500" into Roman Numerals, we get "LI VI D", which spells...
LEVEL 62 - Random Numbers
Hint 1: Can you spot the difference? When you do, your answer will be the quality of the bottom picture that's different from the top one. For example, if the top picture had a 2 and the bottom picture had a 5 instead, your answer would be "five" and not "two".
Hint 2: Ha, this is harder than you thought, right? Well, I'll give you a hint: the difference is not the numbers themselves. You need to look at the bigger picture. Look at the images a different way.
Hint 3 Giveaway: You still don't have it? Well, too bad. I'm not giving away any more hints. Yeah. I'm not even going to tell you that you're looking for the file type.
Explanation: The difference between the two photos is not very evident. If we try to save the pictures to our computer, the names are the same, too. But we're in the right place! On that file explorer window, you can see that the top picture is GIF and the bottom picture is a PNG! They're different file types! And since the answer is the quality of the bottom picture that differs, what's the solution?
LEVEL 63 - What Color is the Next Level
Hint 1: It may seem like an impossible question at first glance. What color is the next level? How am I supposed to know? I can't access the next level to see! But some of you out there have probably already answered the question! How do they know? It's because those are the people who saw the pattern. Those are the people who noticed the tiny little details that my walkthrough didn't cover. Look back and see.
Hint 2: If you recognized the sequence, then good! The answer is what the color of the next level should be. If you didn't, then look again! The pattern started on Level 58, and has been going all the way up to this puzzle. Go back and see!
Hint 3 Giveaway: The color of this stage is indigo. Which color comes next on the rainbow spectrum?
Explanation: If you backtracked and looked towards the previous few levels, you may have seen the pattern take shape. Level 58 is red, Level 59 is orange, Level 60 is yellow, Level 61 is green, Level 62 is blue, and this level is indigo. Level 64 should complete the pattern. So, what underlined color should the next level be?
LEVEL 64 - 100000000...
Hint 1: You really don't need any hints for this level. The riddle is simple - what number is that?
Explanation: Ugh. You really don't need an explanation either, but fine. Counting the number of zeros in the large number on the screen, we get a total of... 100. Which makes a googol. So if the number is a googol, what's the answer?
LEVEL 65 - Origami
LEVEL 66 - Dent to Bold
Hint 1: Have you seen this kind of puzzle? It's where you morph one word into another by slowly changing one letter at a time, while the result of each change is still a real word. If you can figure out how to get "dent" into "bold" in 4 moves, then you'll have your answer - it's the word in red. Do you best.
Hint 2: I'll get you started - dent goes to bent. And bent goes to...
Hint 3 Giveaway: If you really can't solve the puzzle, then you could search it up, or you could heed to this giveaway hint: the answer is the present tense of "bent".
Explanation: Starting with "dent". Change D to B: "bent". Change T to D: "bend". Change E to O: "bond". Change N to L: "bold". DONE! And the red word is...
LEVEL 67 - Code Bird
Hint 1: Personally, I hate this riddle. But I'm going to help you hate it less with some hints! The white text tells you that the answer is one word, so how are you supposed to find that one word? Well, if you're a cryptologist, you know what to do. If not, then this might take a little while...
Hint 2: Do you know what a Caesar cipher is? It's a kind of code where you shift the alphabet a certain number of steps. Like, if I were to shift the word "code" 1 step to the right, the C would become a D, the O would become a P, the D would become an E, and the E would become an F. So it would read: "dpef". The trickiest part of deciphering these kinds of codes is figuring out the number of steps to the right that the alphabet was shifted. Cryptologists look at the frequency of certain letters, as well as the frequency of certain short words to deduce this number, and amateurs will just guess. "Is it 1? No. Is it 2? No. Is it 3? No.", etc.
Hint 3: If you've haven't cracked the code, head here: I would not recommend trying any numbers over 25. For those who have cracked the code, here's a hint for the question: what happens when rays of sunshine hit a bird?
Hint 4: For the code, the number is 17. Try it. I can't give any more hints for the question, though.
Explanation: If we go to the site mentioned in Hint 3, put the cipher text in the box labeled "ciphertext", change the shift number to 17, and then hit "Decipher" at the bottom, the text in the box labeled "plaintext" will read: "What part of a bird always stays on the ground?". The solution to the puzzle will be the answer to that traditional-style riddle. So what's the answer? Think about it... If you can't figure it out, then a certain underlined word may help you.
LEVEL 68 - Waits to Tiger
Hint 1: Ah, this again. You should recognize this puzzle. It's the same thing as Level 66, but much, MUCH harder. Try it. See if you can figure it out on your own.
Hint 2: I'll get you started - waits goes to warts. And warts goes to... ...goes to timer. And timer goes to tiger. Finished.
Hint 3 Giveaway: If you really can't solve the puzzle, then you could search it up, or you could heed to this giveaway hint: electric currents run through w____ (5 letters).
Explanation: Starting with "waits". Change I to R: "warts". Change T to E: "wares". Change A to I: "wires". Change W to T: "tires". Change R to M: "times". Change S to R: "timer". Change M to G: "tiger". DONE! And the red word is...
LEVEL 69 - Kakuro
Hint 1: Do you know what these puzzles are? If not, then you should probably learn the rules first. I won't tell you the rules myself because I don't know them. But you can go search it up! The answer is what's highlighted in red, read from the top corner to the bottom.
Hint 2: OK, so if you're too lazy to actually go through the work and solve the puzzle on your own, you can find a Kakuro solver online! You have to create an account to use the Kakuro solver, though, so use this public login I created myself: Username - forzahadaplayer, Password - Level69.
Hint 3 Giveaway: If you're REALLY lazy, then here's a giveaway hint just for you: the answer is 4 times 443.
Explanation: Putting the Kakuro solver to the test, we get:
Now, what's the four-digit number highlighted in red?
LEVEL 70 - Some Sums
Hint 1: What you see is a list of numbers, followed by an equal sign, and then another number. You see three of these sequences, with the word "the" between the second and the third. So what could this mean? Well, my advice would be to try and think of things that could possibly go in between the numbers. Maybe in a way that would make sense. The white text will help.
Hint 2: OK, if you still don't get it, you're supposed to put operation symbols, like plus and minus, between the numbers to make each equation true. The second equation is pretty easy, but the first and third might be a hassle. Try your best. By the way, I got confused by this, but the numbers that look like circles with a line through them? Those are 8's, not 0's.
Hint 3: OK, so here's a hint for the top and bottom equations. On the top, you see "9 1 9 2 2 7 5=15", right? Okay, so between the first 9 and the 1, there's a subtraction symbol, and between the 7 and the last 5, there's a division symbol. Finally, between the two 2's, there's a multiplication symbol. Good there. On the bottom, you see "8 2 8 7=98", right? Okay, so between the 2 and the second 8, there's an addition symbol. That's all I will give you. Have the equations solved? Good. Now turn all those symbols you see (Yes, and the equal symbol) into letters in a way that we have been doing a whole dang lot in Zahada.
Explanation: Okay, so the goal is to make all these equations true by putting operational symbol in between the numbers. This picture will show you the solution:
Here are all the symbols, in order:
subtraction, addition, multiplication, multiplication, addition, division, equals, multiplication, equals, THE, subtraction, addition, multiplication, equals. Now what does that underlined sequence mean?
LEVEL 71 - Nonogram
Hint 1: I, myName2243, am not very good at 2D nonograms. CDB, on the other hand, rules at them. But CDB's mind cannot wrap around 3D picross - however, I am crazy good at those. Strange, huh? (Yes, that was a hint.)
Hint 2: Okay, so that first hint was a little bit vague for some of you. What you see in front of you is a classic nonogram puzzle. I will now go into a full-on summary of the puzzle. NONOGRAMS: The goal is to use the numerical hints on the sides of the grid to fill out the grid, revealing a hidden picture. The numbers tell you how many consecutive squares should stay within the given column or row. For example, a 5 in a row of 15 will tell you that 5 of the 15 squares in that row will stay, and that they must be consecutive. You may also see multiple numbers in one row, like "121121". That means that there is 1 square, followed by a gap, then 2, then a gap, then 1, then... you get the point. In this way, you use logical techniques to fill out the entire grid, forming the picture. Good luck.
Hint 3: This hint helped me out a lot on this puzzle when CDB gave it to me: the final result will be a symmetrical picture. So whatever you fill in on the left side can be mirrored on the right side.
Hint 4 Giveaway: What emblem would you expect to see on a black pirate flag? At least, stereotypically?
Explanation: Here's a picture of the solved position:
And so what is that a picture of? Can you tell? (skullandcrossbones)
LEVEL 72 - Five Rectangles
Hint 1: Here's another puzzle that only CDB understands. If you're like me, this puzzle will be virtually impossible. However, I'm going to assume that you know the children's song that this puzzle is referring to, and continue to guide you in the right direction.
Hint 2: Good, at least you know that it's a children's song. Now, the whole diagram is one verse, and each box is... I really don't know. But each column, all the way down all the boxes, is one line of the verse. And the lines go from left to right. So now you have to figure out what the red number is referring to...
Hint 3: See, it even says in white text, "A five-year-old could figure this out!" As if they're trying to mock the people who didn't have a childhood life. But anyways, another hint: the song is about body parts. Each number represents the amount of that body part that you have. I think the X's represent the location of your hands, so your hands is not one of the body parts represented by the numbers. Ah, so that's the song the diagram is referring to.
Hint 4: Once you have the song figured out, just find out what that red number "2" means. And you're good to go. If you really don't know the name of the children's song, it's called "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes". If you don't know it (like me), then search it up and try to find a non-creepy rendition of it. You'll fail.
Hint 5 Giveaway: The red number 2 represents a body part that is on your head somewhere. Look around your head. What do you have 2 of? Four letter answer.
Explanation: You see, the diagram is representing the song "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes". Seriously, read from top to bottom. The first two lines go: "heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes..." And the first two columns in all the boxes perfectly represent that. The next two lines are the exact same. Then the fifth line goes, "eyes, ears, nose and mouth", and then the last two lines are exactly the same as the first two. So what underlined word would be the answer here?
LEVEL 73 - Very Special Pictures
Hint 1: Highlight the white text. Now you know what you're looking for - each picture represents a word, and the marked letters will unscramble to the answer. Two words are right there in front of you, but the rest has to be deduced. And some of these can be pretty hard, unless you know what all the words have in common. Then it's easy.
Hint 2: "Okay, so what do all the words have in common?", you ask. I can't tell you that, but what I CAN do is give you a list of words that fit the description: try, flyby, myth, sky, lynch. See the pattern? All the words in this puzzle follow that simple rule. Once you have the words that the pictures represent, you can find the marked letters and unscramble them into the answer, which also follows the above pattern.
Hint 3: I have no more hints for you, so I will quote Grey's Bluemoon: "Line 1 [last picture]: Musical nodes - 7 letters expected but is a plural so it ends with "S", 6 more letters for you to go. Line 2 [last picture]: Interior with pillars - A place where dead people held. 5 letters. Line 3 [last picture]: Crawling lady - She's a fortune teller. 5 letters."
Explanation: The first picture is "why", the second picture is "cry", the third picture is "sly", the fourth picture is "rhythms", the fifth picture is "by", the sixth picture is "my", the seventh picture is "crypt", the eighth picture is "shy", and the ninth picture is "gypsy". Put it all together, take the certain underlined letters, and what you get is "yympg". Unscramble that, and you get "pygmy". And so, the puzzle is solved, and the answer is - wait, what's the answer, again?
LEVEL 74 - Two Letters
Hint 1: "Divide this shape into two letter shapes which fit back together to form an 8x8 square." Well, this level is actually fairly easy, and can be solved pretty quickly. All you have to do is figure out the letter shapes that are required. And those letters will be your answer. If they are capitol letters, then type capitol letters. If they are lowercase letters, then type lowercase letters.
Hint 2 Giveaway: There's really not much else to hint at, so I'll do a giveaway. They're the same letter. Now you spammers out there can just try everything. One of the combinations is bound to work.
Explanation: The picture explains everything:
Now what two letters are those?
LEVEL 75 - Bee Kiss
Hint 1: The white text says, "I hope this doesn't take a long time to figure out." This line does not mean that the puzzle is easy... In fact, it's not referring to the difficulty of the puzzle in any way!
Hint 2: OK, now for a better, more clear hint. You see four pictures. They all have something in common. From there, the rendition of that common factor will be the answer. If you're having trouble, find out what the pictures are and try spelling them.
Hint 3 Giveaway: Some of you have the answer. That's probably because this riddle really is pretty easy! After all, the creators of Zahada must think so. They hope that this doesn't take long to figure out. Wait... a long time? A long time. How old are you right now? What's your age?
Explanation: OK, that giveaway was really sloppy. What is in common with all these pictures? The names all have double letters in them. Did you notice? The first picture is "aardvark", with a double "A". The second picture is "eggs", with a double "G". The third picture is "bumblebee", with a double "E". The fourth picture is "kiss", with a double "S". Put those letters together, and you get a word, which is the answer. But that's your part.
End of phase 2. Highlight the white text to move to phase 3. If you've made it this far, you are pretty smart. So I'm going to start acting like you are.
LEVEL 76 - 52 Dots